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聯合國安全理事會國際環保團體「地球之友」(Friends of the Earth)呼籲聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP),針對近期黎巴嫩真主黨與以色列的爭戰對環境所造成的衝擊,派遣一支「衝突後部門」(Post-Conflict Branch)的人馬,分別到黎巴嫩及以色列進行相關評估工作。黎巴嫩環境部長表示,廢氣、廢水、固體廢棄物以及水利基礎建設的毀壞是目前主要的問題所在。

Post-Conflict Assessment Sought for Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon, August 22, 2006 (ENS)
黎巴嫩民眾The international environmental group Friends of the Earth is appealing to the United Nations Environment Programme to send a team from its Post-Conflict Branch to Lebanon and Israel to conduct an independent assessment of the environmental impacts of the recent war between Hezbollah and Israel. The Lebanese Environment Ministry says air, water and solid waste pollution and destruction of water infrastructure are major problems.