美法官撤回布希政府殺蟲劑法規 要求進行專業徵詢 | 環境資訊中心

美法官撤回布希政府殺蟲劑法規 要求進行專業徵詢

ENS美國,華盛頓州,西雅圖報導;Nina. L、丁秋仁編譯;莫聞審校


過去5年,美國地方法院法官約翰‧考艮爾(Coughenour)已作了兩次不利聯邦機關的裁決,表示聯邦機構未能遵守瀕危物種法(Endangered Species Act,簡稱ESA)中對市面上登記販售的殺蟲劑的約束。




柯林頓時期為美國魚類及野生動植物機構主任的傑米‧瑞派伯‧克拉克(Jamie Rappaport Clark),現為「野生物保衛者」組織(Defenders of Wildlife)執行副總,也是這個事件的原告之一。他提到這個有缺陷的科學及不完全的分析,是環保署為符合其與聯邦野生動植物專家研商內容的義務,長期忍受下不情不願產生的結果。


Judge Vacates Bush Pesticide Rules, Require Consultation
SEATTLE, Washington, August 29, 2006 (ENS)

A federal judge has overturned new Bush administration rules that would have allowed use of pesticides on endangered species and their habitats without consultation with federal wildlife agencies. Plaintiff conservation groups successfully argued that the rules made it easier for pesticide makers to ignore the effects of their products on endangered plants and animals.

For the second time in the past five years, U.S. District Judge John Coughenour ruled against federal agencies for failing to follow the Endangered Species Act in licensing pesticides for sale.

In a ruling August 24, the judge set aside the administration's rules, and restored prior standards that provided greater protection to protected wildlife and plants. Judge Coughenour found that the rules would "actually result in harm to listed species."

Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to ensure that the use of pesticides will not set back the chances of survival and recovery of species threatened with extinction. The law requires the EPA to consult with wildlife specialists in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service to apply the best available science to meeting this obligation to protect endangered species.

The rules would have cut wildlife scientists out of the decision making, allowing pesticide managers at EPA, not wildlife experts, to make key decisions about the impact these chemicals have on protected species.

Jamie Rappaport Clark, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Clinton administration, and now executive vice president of Defenders of Wildlife, one of the s in this case, said that faulty science and unsound analysis has been the result of the longstanding reluctance of the EPA to conform to its obligation to consult with federal wildlife experts.

By eliminating the checks and balances built into the Endangered Species Act through inter-agency consultation, the new rule would have made it easier for agribusiness and other industries to use highly toxic pesticides despite the risks to the environment. Scientists, conservationists, and members of Congress had opposed the rule change because pesticides have been a factor in the decline of species as diverse as bald eagles, salmon, frogs, and sea turtles.