美太平洋沿岸三州長 協議致力保護海洋 | 環境資訊中心

美太平洋沿岸三州長 協議致力保護海洋

ENS美國,加州,長堤報導;Nina L.、蔡秦怡編譯;蔡麗伶、陳瑞賓審校










Pacific Coast Governors Commit to Ocean Protection
LONG BEACH, California, September 19, 2006 (ENS)

The governors of California, Oregon and Washington announced a new agreement Monday to cooperate on efforts to protect the Pacific Ocean and to lobby the federal government on ocean issues. The three governors said they would push for the federal government to expand efforts to safeguard the nation's coastal waters from pollution and environmental degradation and would oppose efforts to allow oil and gas drilling in waters off their coasts.

Schwarzenegger made the announcement at an oceans conference in Long Beach. He was joined by the governors of Oregon and Washington via satellite.

The agreement is based on the recognition that the three states "share a rich and diverse bounty of ocean and coastal resources that provide enormous economic, environmental, and social benefits."
"Yet our citizens' continued use and enjoyment of coastal and ocean resources is at risk," according to the agreement. "Polluted waters, declining populations of fish and other marine life, degraded nearshore habitats, risks of severe storms and tsunamis and climate disruption are but a few examples of serious threats to the continued vitality of our ocean-dependent states."

The agreement is built on many of the recommendations laid out by U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and the Pew Oceans Commissions - both panels called for better coordination of federal, state and local ocean policies and for the adoption of an ecosystem-based management approach.

The regional agreement will forge a long-term partnership to tap experts in each state and aims to ensure clean coastal waters and beaches and to protect and restore healthy ocean and coastal habitats.

The governors also plan to pursue efforts to reduce adverse impacts from offshore development, expand ocean and coastal research and monitoring. The pact will include programs to boost ocean awareness and literacy among residents of the three states and to foster sustainable economic development in coastal communities.

The governors said they expect to announce initial recommendations and initiatives for regional action by early 2007. The governors have directed their respective agencies and staffs to work throughout this fall with representatives of business, environmental, governmental, educational, and academic communities to develop recommendations for this historic regional partnership.

Ocean advocates praised the deal and said collaborative regional approaches are crucial to successfully managing the problems plaguing the nation's coastal waters.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.