英國王儲察爾斯王子於一齣電視電影(TV movie)首映當晚表示,若人類無法協助世上最大型的海鳥脫離瀕絕邊緣,「那麼我們對待地球的低劣記錄將再添一椿」。該片乃聚焦於信天翁在現實環境中所面臨之窘境。王子並呼籲食品零售商抛磚引玉,選擇合法認證的倉儲購進漁貨。
Prince Charles Joins Race to Save the Albatross
On the eve of a TV movie premiere highlighting the plight of the albatross, Britain's Prince Charles said failure to save the Earth's largest flying sea birds from extinction would be "an appalling commentary on the way we treat the world." The Prince called upon food retailers to take the lead.