聯合國:環境保護可促進經濟發展 | 環境資訊中心








聯合國環境規畫署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)表示:「達成環境永續發展並不只是一個國家的因素,而是關乎國際性的重大考量。各國在環境主流與減少貧困及發展策略上,可以達成良好協議。」



UN: Environmental Protection Enhances Economic Development
NEW YORK, New York, December 18, 2006 (ENS)

Egypt, Peru, Vietnam, and Mongolia are among the countries putting the environment at the core of their plans to cut poverty by 2015, according to a report issued Friday by two United Nations agencies. Environmental sustainability and economic development work best when they are linked, the report demonstrates by documenting progress in 158 countries.

The UN Development Programme, UNDP, in partnership with the UN Environment Programme, UNEP, compiled the report on the progress developing countries are making towards realization of the UN Millennium Development Goals. In an attempt to alleviate poverty by 2015, the international community adopted the Millennium Declaration in September 2000, which outlines the Millennium Development Goals.

The eight Goals - which range from halving extreme poverty to achieving environmental sustainability, from halting the spread of HIV/AIDS to providing universal primary education - form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s governments and development institutions. Of the 158 countries reviewed, 85 countries, 54 percent, have set at least one country specific environmental target - a greater proportion than in the previous three years.

In Egypt, where protecting the environment is a priority for the country’s eco-tourism industry, the government is monitoring and reporting progress on water access, waste management and land degradation, with a view to ensuring it understands what still needs to happen to reach the Millennium Development Goals, and sets targets accordingly.

Albania, Buthan, Lesotho, Nepal, Syria, Thailand and Vietnam were also cited among the leaders by the report. But unless more governments take more ambitious steps to protect the natural world, overall development goals will be jeopardized, the report cautions.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said, "Achievement of environmental sustainability is not only a national concern but one with significant international dimensions. Countries, by mainstreaming environment into poverty reduction and development strategies, can achieve a great deal."

But Steiner says more needs to be accomplished. "National environmental degradation, and conversely environmental sustainability, is also inextricably linked with trading regimes, economic instruments and the values placed on nature-based goods and services within a globalized world," he said.

The report, entitled "Making Progress on Environmental Sustainability: Lessons and recommendation from a review of over 150 MDG country experiences," is online at: http://www.undp.org/energyandenvironment/index.html 




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.