美國能源部長伯德曼(Samuel Bodman)表示:「藉由能源來源多樣化,及減少對國外能源的依賴,這份預算是為增強我國能源安全。」
美國參議院環境暨公共工程委員會主席、加州民主黨代表鮑克瑟(Barbara Boxer)5日失望表示,布希總統的預算案,未能優先考量美國人民權益,而真正用途則是伊拉克戰爭。
President George W. Bush today sent Congress a $2.9 trillion budget package for fiscal year 2008 that includes big increases for defense spending, cuts in conservation programs and assumptions that tax revenues will increase and that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will be leased for oil and gas development. Yet the administration said reducing U.S. dependence on petroleum imports and expanding incentives for clean energy technologies are central to the President's energy budget proposal.
As part of $24.3 billion funding request for the Energy Department, the president is asking Congress to provide $2.7 billion to accelerate research into power generation technologies based on coal, nuclear energy and renewable sources, as well as the development of efficient vehicles and biofuels.
"This budget builds on our commitment to strengthen our nation’s energy security by diversifying our energy resources and reducing our reliance on foreign sources of energy," said Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.
The president is requesting $114 million to support the planned expansion of the U.S. nuclear power industry and $405 million for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, GNEP. Under this program, the United States would build a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility and sell fuel for nuclear reactors to nations that do not have the technology to manufacture their own nuclear fuel.
Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who chairs the Environment and Public Works Committee today expressed disappointment in the president's budget for failing to set the right priorities for the American people and obscuring the true costs of the war in Iraq.
"The American people voted for change last November, but instead of listening to them, the president is giving us more of the same - a blank check for this endless war and penny-pinching for critical domestic priorities like education, health care, energy independence, support for local law enforcement, and combating the threat of global warming," said Boxer.
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