辛巴威土地改革計畫造成更多白人地主遭驅離 | 環境資訊中心



辛巴威總統穆加比(Robert Mugabe)自1980年即掌握政治大權。(圖片來源: Sokwanele)辛巴威總統穆加比(Robert Mugabe)的人生哲學就如同他2000年發表自稱為「速成」土地改革計畫一樣簡單——為達目的,不擇手段。但這正是要引起爭論的主因,上千名白人農場經營者被勸告要謹慎小心,並尊重法治,但是卻遭到強制驅離他們的土地,有些甚至受到殘忍的襲擊和殺害。


7年下來,剩餘的白人農場在新一波扣押和重新配置的浪潮中,不斷被剝奪沒收,而主要利益則流向穆加比所領導的「辛巴威非洲民族聯盟─愛國陣線」(Zanu-PF Party)的政客,以及和政府關係友好的人。

More White Zimbabwean Farmers Expelled
HARARE, Zimbabwe, February 9, 2007 (ENS) By Joseph Sithole

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's philosophy as he launched his so-called "fast-track" land reform program in 2000 was simple - the end justifies the means. But that was precisely the bone of contention of those who advised caution and respect for the rule of law as thousands of white commercial farmers were violently expelled from their land and a number were brutally assaulted and killed.

The doubters, however, were in a minority and did not have the enforcing powers enjoyed by those who wield political power. In the event, Zimbabwe's land reform went ahead - unplanned, chaotic, violent, imprecise and economically destructive.

Seven years down the line, remaining white-owned commercial farms are being expropriated in a new wave of seizures and reallocated, mainly to politicians of Mugabe's ruling ZANU PF party and those with good connections to the government.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.