日本失火捕鯨船駛離南極洲 | 環境資訊中心



日本捕鯨船日新丸號(圖片來源: Institute of Cetacean Research)日本捕鯨船日新丸號10天前發生火災,導致船隻嚴重受損以及一名船員罹難,25日該船從羅斯海域再次啟航。日新丸號是日本鯨類研究所捕鯨船隊的補給船隻,該組織總部位於東京,與日本政府關係密切,而日新丸號此次的航行由捕鯨船隊中另外兩艘船艦陪同,朝北部前進。


Japanese Whaler Restarts Engines, Moves Away From Antarctica
WELLINGTON, New Zealand, February 26, 2007 (ENS)

The Japanese whaling vessel Nisshin Maru restarted its engines and departed the Ross Sea Sunday, 10 days after a fire disabled the ship and claimed the life of one crew member. The Nisshin Maru is the mother ship of a whaling fleet run by the Institute of Cetacean Research, an organization based in Tokyo and affiliated with the Japanese government. Two other vessels of the fleet accompanied the Nisshin Maru northward.

The removal of the ship alleviated fears expressed by the New Zealand government that fuel oil or toxic chemicals would be spilled, contaminating one of the largest penguin colonies in the Antarctic. The Japanese have not stated clearly whether or not the fleet will resume whaling, which they maintain is being conducted for research. The Japanese announced a self-imposed quota of 935 minke whales and 10 endangered fin whales this year.