歐亞北美森林面積止跌 但貧窮地區仍不樂觀 | 環境資訊中心

歐亞北美森林面積止跌 但貧窮地區仍不樂觀



聯合國糧農組織副秘書長哈查里克(David Harcharik)表示:「許多國家修訂政策與立法,並且強化林務機構的運作,充分顯現政府改善森林管理的政治決心。」組織的報告同時顯示,《京都議定書》自2005年生效後,新進投資森林管理來減緩氣候變遷的進度,並不如預期樂觀。哈查里克則一語道破,高度的貧窮與內戰,大幅阻礙國家在永續經營森林的努力,進而喪失多處森林地,其中又以非洲與拉丁美洲的情形最為嚴重。


Forests Growing Back in Asia, Europe, North America
ROME, Italy, March 14, 2007 (ENS)

The world’s forests are shrinking yearly overall, yet a United Nations report released Tuesday shows that in Asia and the Pacific regions, centuries of deforestation are being reversed due to effective forest management and economic prosperity.

"Many countries have shown the political will to improve forest management by revising policies and legislation and strengthening forestry institutions," said FAO Deputy Director-General David Harcharik. At the same time, the FAO reports, new investments in forests to mitigate climate change lag behind the optimistic expectations of many following the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol in 2005. Harcharik pointed out that countries facing the most serious challenges in achieving sustainable forest management are those with the highest rates of poverty and civil conflict. Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean faced the highest losses in forest area.

The FAO expects that forest management will improve in both regions, due to political support and commitment to stemming deforestation in Africa and newly formed Latin American networks to fight fires and improve current management mechanisms. Economic growth, strengthened forest institutions and increased participatory decision-making will help to protect forests. However, illegal logging is growing in some areas, and forests are also threatened by insects and diseases. The spread of pests, to which forests are vulnerable, is facilitated by transport, travel and trade.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.