美汽車龍頭白宮秀節能車 籲政府補助開發替代燃料 | 環境資訊中心

美汽車龍頭白宮秀節能車 籲政府補助開發替代燃料


布希與三汽車業龍頭會晤(照片來源:Joyce Boghosian courtesy the White House)美國總統布希26日於白宮會見通用、福特與戴姆勒克萊斯勒等國內3大汽車集團執行長。3位製造商在總統面前展示新世代替代燃料車輛,同時期盼聯邦政府予以補助開發新式替代燃料技術。


通用汽車集團董事長兼執行長華格納(Rick Wagoner)在一份聯合聲明稿中表示,「我們現在如火如荼規劃的近程目標,正是總統所提到的『彈性燃料汽車』,並由E85乙醇作為主要生質燃料。現今有超過600萬輛的彈性燃料汽車在路上奔馳,而我們預計在2007年內再增加100萬輛。」3位執行長們也在這份聲明稿中指出,「若今日路上的車輛都能與E85相容,一年下來就可以省下220億加侖的汽油。」車商希望布希總統可以提供資金補助,好讓消費者便於購買合理價格的替代燃料,藉此才能達成節省石油的目標。

Top Three Automakers Show Alt-Fuel Cars at the White House
WASHINGTON, DC, March 26, 2007 (ENS)

President George W. Bush met at the White House today with the executives of the three largest American automobile companies - General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler. The automakers showcased the next generation of alternative fuel cars for the president and asked for financial help.

"I found it very interesting that by 2012, 50 percent of the automobiles in America will be flex-fuel vehicles," said President Bush. "The American consumer will be able to either use gasoline or ethanol, depending upon, obviously, price and convenience. That's a major technological breakthrough for the country." The president urged that Congress quickly approve research and development budget, and said, "It's in our national security interest that we do this, it's in economic security interest we do it, and all at the same time, it will help us be better stewards of the environment."

In a joint statement, General Motors chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner said, "A near-term opportunity that we are moving on right now, as the president cited, is flex-fuel vehicles that are powered by E85 ethanol. There are more than six million on the road today and over a million FFV cars and trucks will be added in 2007. " In their joint statement, the auto executives said, "If all the E85 capable vehicles on the road today, we could displace 22 billion gallons of gasoline annually." To achieve these levels of petroleum savings, the automakers asked the president to help provide Americans with "reasonable access to these fuels at a price that is competitive with gasoline."

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.