WHO指出,非傳染性疾病(noncommunicable disease,NCDs)的增加主要由四大風險因素驅動——抽菸、缺乏運動、酒精濫用和不健康的飲食。


Heads of state and government have committed to intensify their efforts to tackle noncommunicable diseases including cancers, heart and lung diseases, stroke, and diabetes, and to promote mental health and well-being by reducing salt, sugar and transfat in foods.
The political declaration taken during the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in late September reaffirms the global leadership of the World Health Organization, WHO, in the fight to beat noncommunicable diseases and promote mental health.
WHO says the rise of noncommunicable diseases is driven by four major risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets.
On September 27, the United Nations General Assembly staged the third High-level Meeting on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, which reviewed the global and national progress achieved in putting measures in place that protect people from dying too young from heart and lung diseases, cancers and diabetes.
Food manufacturers are asked to use nutrition labeling on packaged foods to inform consumers, and to restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children.
World leaders agreed to take responsibility themselves for their own countries’ efforts to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases.
They agreed that these efforts should include robust laws and fiscal measures to protect people from tobacco, unhealthy foods, and other harmful products, for example by restricting alcohol advertising, banning smoking, and taxing sugary drinks.
They committed to implement a series of policies to prevent and control these diseases recommended by WHO – public education and awareness campaigns to promote healthier lifestyles, vaccinating against HPV virus to protect against cervical cancer and treating hypertension and diabetes.
WHO estimates that implementing all these policies could generate US$350 billion in economic growth in low and lower-middle-income countries between now and 2030.
Other commitments focus on halting the rise of childhood obesity, promoting regular physical activity, reducing air pollution and improving mental health and well being.
WHO has launched its third Country Profiles report to assess national progress in meeting targets to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases.
The report found that the risk of premature death from one of the four main noncommunicable diseases had declined to 18 percent in 2016, a relative reduction of five percent from 2010. But the rate of progress is unlikely to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target of a one-third reduction in premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases by 2030.
Noncommunicable diseases, primarily cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancers and diabetes, currently account for the deaths of seven in every 10 people worldwide, 41 million, including 15 million in the prime of their lives, ages 30-69, mostly from developing countries.
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