北京清淨空氣品質措施 無法掌控區域性污染 | 環境資訊中心

北京清淨空氣品質措施 無法掌控區域性污染


北京為了奧運會積極控制空氣污染(照片來源:The Red Collection)為因應2008年北京奧運會,北京市當局表示2007年將採取新措施,讓良好空氣品質的天數提升至67%,並在今年內減少10%二氧化硫的排放量。然而,北京的空氣品質不完全掌握在北京市的控制之下,新研究顯示,污染是從該區域中的其他市鎮蔓延過來的。


Regional Pollution Could Overwhelm Beijing's Clean Air Efforts
BEIJING, China, April 13, 2007 (ENS)

Ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Beijing Municipality says it will employ new measures to raise the number of days of good air quality to 67 percent and cut down the emission of sulfur dioxide by 10 percent this year. But control of Beijing's air quality is not entirely in the city's hands. New research shows pollution blows in from other cities in the region.

The Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau said today that to bring the coal-burning pollutants under control, the city will use new energy sources to replace coal for the 1,105 remaining coal-fired boilers under 20 tons in the downtown area. Coal will be replaced by other sources of power for the 20,000 families living in one-story houses in the Dongcheng and Xicheng districts, and for residents living within the Fifth-Ring Road, an area where urban and rural areas overlap.

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