太陽能發電再下一城 澳洲愛麗絲泉也「陽光」 | 環境資訊中心

太陽能發電再下一城 澳洲愛麗絲泉也「陽光」


愛麗絲泉市議會市民中心屋頂將裝置太陽能板發電(圖片來源:NT Government)澳洲觀光聖地愛麗絲泉將獲取政府補助打造太陽能發電系統,是繼阿得雷德、湯士維爾與布萊克頓分別於2006年簽署「陽光電城計劃」後,澳洲第4個陽光電城。北領地行政首長馬汀( Clare Martin)表示:「北領地要向世界展現我們善用和節省能源的決心與成果。」

澳洲環境部長騰布爾(Malcolm Turnbull)指出,這4個陽光電城在發展太陽能發電系統下,共計一年可減少7.6萬噸的溫室氣體排放量。工業部長馬法蘭(Ian Macfarlane)也相當肯定此項計劃:「陽光電城的提案集太陽能科技、節能、智慧型電錶與合理電價之大成,是創造永續能源社群的嶄新方式。」


Australia's Alice Springs Goes Solar
ALICE SPRINGS, Northern Territory, Australia, April 18, 2007 (ENS)

Alice Springs has been named as Australia’s next Solar City, a designation that enables the tourist town to receive government funding for solar installations. It joins Adelaide, Townsville and Blacktown, which all have signed onto the Solar Cities program within the past year. "It sends a strong message to the world that the Northern Territory is strongly committed to energy conservation and savings," Chief Minister Clare Martin said.

Australian Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that together the first four Australian Solar Cities will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 76,000 metric tons each year. "Solar Cities is an innovative way to bring together solar technologies, energy efficiency, smart metering and better electricity pricing to create more energy sustainable communities," said Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane.

Solar Cities initiative and the Renewable Remote Power Generation Programme both are part of the Australian government’s climate change strategy that has committed A$2 billion to develop clean, low emission technologies, build an effective global response to the issue, increase understanding of climate change science, and help communities adapt to the impact of climate change.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.