傑出基層保育人士獲頒2007環保金人獎 | 環境資訊中心



2007環保金人獎得主(圖片來源:Goldman Prize)因拒絕殼牌(Shell Oil)輸油管線通過其農地而鋃鐺入獄的愛爾蘭農民,以及以創新概念協商收購漁權、拯救北大西洋野生鮭魚的冰島企業家,名列2007年環保金人獎得主之列。環保金人獎創辦人古德曼(Richard Goldman)表示:「今年的得獎人成功地對抗當今幾項重大的環境問題。他們身處危境時展現的堅定意志,啟發我們進一步正視平凡人物所能發揮的影響力。 」



北美洲:加拿大的拉布里奧斯加斯(Sophia Rabliauskas),47歲。她為白楊河原住民成功捍衛曼尼托巴省(Manitoba)一處寒帶林地,暫時阻攔森林濫伐與水力發電工程,並爭取政府與國際機構永久保護該片土地。

非洲:尚比亞的辛溫加(Hammerskoeld Simwainga),45歲。尚比亞北盧安瓜谷地(North Luangwa Valley)非法盜獵猖獗,造成野生象群瀕絕,並帶來嚴重貧窮問題。辛溫加設立創新的永續社區發展計畫,成功復育生態,也改造了這個貧困地區。

亞洲:蒙古的穆克巴亞(Tsetsegee Munkhbayar),40歲。他與政府及民間組織合作,成功關閉蒙古珍貴溪流周圍的破壞性礦業。經由大眾教育與抗爭活動,穆克巴亞有效地保護蒙古稀少的水資源免於更多濫採的傷害。

中南美洲:秘魯的巴拉索斯(Julio Cusurichi Palacios),36歲。他守護偏遠的秘魯亞馬遜森林裡一塊國家保護區,同時捍衛了脆弱的雨林生態系與原住民生存權,使其遠離伐木與採礦的侵擾破壞。

歐洲:愛爾蘭的科爾度夫(Willie Corduff),53歲。在羅斯柏(Rossport)的小農村,科爾度夫與一群當地居民和地主聯手,成功迫使殼牌石油停止在他們的土地上建造非法的輸油管線。

島嶼國家:冰島的維格弗森(Orri Vigfússon),64歲。靠著精明的商業頭腦與立志拯救北大西洋野生鮭魚免於絕種的堅定決心,他與政府及商業利益團體協商大舉收購國際漁權,幫助終止北大西洋破壞性的商業鮭魚捕撈。


Six Extraordinary Conservationists Win 2007 Goldman Prizes
SAN FRANCISCO, California, April 24, 2007 (ENS)

An Irish farmer jailed for his work in opposing Shell Oil’s gas pipeline through his land and an Icelandic entrepreneur saving North Atlantic wild salmon by brokering innovative fishing rights buyouts are among the winners of this year’s prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize. "This year’s Prize recipients have succeeded in combating some of the most important environmental challenges we face today," said Goldman Prize founder Richard Goldman. "Their commitment in the face of great personal risk inspires us all to think more critically about what ordinary people can do to make a difference."

The $125,000 Goldman Environmental Prize, now in its 18th year, is awarded annually to six grassroots environmental heroes and is the largest award of its kind in the world.

This year’s winners are:

North America: Sophia Rabliauskas, 47, Canada: Working on behalf of the Poplar River First Nation, Rabliauskas succeeded in securing interim protection for a portion of the boreal forest of Manitoba, effectively preventing destructive logging and hydro-power development while calling on government and international agencies to permanently protect the region.

Africa: Hammerskjoeld Simwinga, 45, Zambia: In Zambia’s North Luangwa Valley, where rampant illegal wildlife poaching decimated the wild elephant population and left villagers living in extreme poverty, Simwinga created an innovative sustainable community development program that successfully restored wildlife and transformed this poverty-stricken area.

Asia: Tsetsegee Munkhbayar, 40, Mongolia: Munkhbayar successfully worked with government and grassroots organizations to shut down destructive mining operations along Mongolia’s scarce waterways. Through public education and political lobbying, Munkhbayar has effectively protected Mongolia’s precious water resources from additional unregulated mining.

South and Central America: Julio Cusurichi Palacios, 36, Peru: In the remote Peruvian Amazon, Cusurichi secured a national reserve to protect both sensitive rainforest ecosystems and the rights of indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation from the devastating effects of logging and mining.

Europe: Willie Corduff, 53, Ireland: In the small farming community of Rossport, Corduff and a group of fellow local residents and landowners successfully forced Shell Oil to halt construction on an illegally-approved pipeline through their land.

Islands and Island Nations: Orri Vigfússon, 64, Iceland: With business savvy and an unwavering commitment to reverse the near-extinction of wild North Atlantic salmon, Vigfússon brokered huge international fishing rights buyouts with governments and commercial interests, helping bring to an end destructive commercial salmon fishing in the region.

Prize winners are selected by an international jury from confidential nominations submitted by a worldwide network of environmental organizations and individuals.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.