殺蟲劑、肥料是美國早產兒的肇因? | 環境資訊中心



待在保溫箱中的早產兒,提早出世面對充滿毒害的世界。(照片來源: NIH)根據美國印第安納大學醫學院,臨床小兒科教授的研究,美國早產兒發生比例的上升,和殺蟲劑與含硝酸鹽的肥料使用增加有關。

溫徹斯特醫師(Paul Winchester)7日發表他的調查結果表示:「有越來越多的證據顯示,產前暴露在殺蟲劑、硝酸鹽類、和其他環境污染物之下,對許多懷孕的結果有害。身為小兒科醫生,我看到新生兒缺陷、早產兒有增加的趨勢,我想我們需要更勇敢的面對環境所造成的後果。」






Pesticides, Fertilizers Linked to U.S. Premature Births
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, May 7, 2007 (ENS)

The rising rate of premature births in the United States is associated with the increased use of pesticides and fertilizers containing nitrates, according to research by a professor of clinical pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

"A growing body of evidence suggests that the consequence of prenatal exposure to pesticides and nitrates as well as to other environmental contaminants is detrimental to many outcomes of pregnancy. As a neonatologist, I am seeing a growing number of birth defects, and preterm births, and I think we need to face up to environmental causes," Paul Winchester, MD, reports his findings today.

A premature baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature birth occurs in between eight to 10 percent of all pregnancies in the United States. The rate of premature birth in the United States has risen about 30 percent between 1981, when the government began tracking premature births, and 2005, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Winchester and his colleagues found that preterm birth rates peaked when pesticides and nitrates measurements in surface water were highest, from April through July, and were lowest when nitrates and pesticides were lowest, in August and September.

The highest rate of prematurity, 11.91 percent, occurred in May and June and the lowest, 10.79 percent in August and September. These results were independent of maternal age, race, education, marital status, alcohol or cigarette use, or whether the mother was an urban, suburban or rural resident.
Pesticide and nitrate levels in surface water were also highest in May-June and lowest in August and September, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

"Preterm births in the United States vary month to month in a recurrent and seasonal manner. Pesticides and nitrates similarly vary seasonally in surface water throughout the U.S. Nitrates and pesticides can disrupt endocrine hormones and nitric oxide pathways in the developing fetus," Winchester said.

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