由美國大型企業組成的「美國氣候行動夥伴」(U.S. Climate Action Partnership, USCAP),再添12家生力軍。這12大公司呼籲聯邦政府即刻立法制定國內溫室氣體排放總量管制與交易制度。這些新夥伴包括了汽車製造商、石化公司等溫室氣體主要排放者,該組織成員數目也因此增加一倍。
新成員包括康菲石油(ConocoPhillips)、通用汽車(General Motors Corp.)、嬌生(Johnson & Johnson)、百事可樂(PepsiCo)、殼牌石油(Shell)、 與西門子(Siemens)等知名企業,與美國自然保育協會(Nature Conservancy)、美國野生動物基金會(National Wildlife Federation)兩個非營利組織。他們加入的「美國氣候行動夥伴」,是10家跨國企業與4個非營利環保團體於2007年1月攜手成立的。
積極推動成立USCAP的環境保衛基金會(Environmental Defense)會長卡洛普(Fred Krupp)說,「這次有企業與環保團體聯袂背書支持,實施碳排放總量管制已經是因應氣候變化的共識。」「透過排放管制與交易制度,環保團體與企業找到共同交集,因為它不但對氣候有必然的幫助,也讓各家公司能夠自由尋找創新又廉價的方式減低排放量。」
The group of large corporations calling on the federal government to immediately enact mandatory national legislation to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions today doubled its membership. Major greenhouse gas emitters such as automotive, oil and chemical companies are among the new members of the U.S. Climate Change Partnership.
These companies are pledging to support national legislation to reduce America's emission of greenhouse gases by 60 to 80 percent by 2050. To date, the Bush administration has declined to regulate the emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, CO2.
The new members include American International Group, Alcan, Boston Scientific, ConocoPhillips, Deere & Company, The Dow Chemical Company, General Motors Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Marsh, PepsiCo, Shell, and Siemens. They join the original group of corporations that formed USCAP in January.
In calling for effective climate policy, the companies join the four original USCAP nonprofit partners, along with two new groups, The Nature Conservancy and National Wildlife Federation.
USCAP's "Call to Action" recommends that Congress establish mandatory emission targets to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas levels by 10 to 30 percent below today's levels within 15 years, and by 60 to 80 percent by 2050. A national program to accelerate technology research, development and deployment is also recommended along with approaches to encourage action by other countries, including those in the developing world, as the group recognizes that "ultimately the solution must be global."
"With this lineup of companies and environmental groups endorsing it, a carbon cap is clearly the consensus solution to climate change," said Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense, who was active in the formation of USCAP.
"With cap and trade, we've found the center," Krupp said, "environmental groups and businesses can embrace because it guarantees results for the climate while freeing companies to hunt for innovative, least-cost ways to lower emissions."
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