印度風光籌辦大英國協運動會 河川生態恐擔代價 | 環境資訊中心

印度風光籌辦大英國協運動會 河川生態恐擔代價


德里的居民在充滿垃圾的雅母納河中游泳(照片來源:Ministry of Environment and Forests)印度首都新德里將承辦2010年大英國協運動會(Commonwealth Games),儘管政府寄望帶來旅遊榮景,不過水資源保育人士卻憂心政府為了10天的體育盛事,在雅母納(Yamuna)河兩岸的澇原上大興土木,如大型購物中心、商業建築、選手村與旅館等,肯定會為生態系統帶來負面衝擊。


保育運動發起人Jal Biradari指出,開發澇原以及在上頭建築將導致德里城內缺水的問題更形嚴重。當地許多地方的地下水位每年平均降低1至2呎;若持續縮減澇原面積將可能會提高水位降低的幅度。


Development for Commonwealth Games Impacts Delhi's Major River
NEW DELHI, India, May 16, 2007 (ENS)

Water campaigners are worried that the floodplains of the river running through India's capital city are being converted into shopping malls, residential and commercial establishments, and hotels in advance of the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Construction for the 10 day sporting event in Delhi will ruin the ecosystem, they fear.

The Yamuna is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Many unsuccessful attempts that have been made to clean it were hampered by Delhi's high population density, the illegal dumping of untreated water and solid waste into the river, and inadequate government monitoring together with mismanagement of projects to clean it.

Jal Biradari argues that buildings on the flood plain will aggravate the water scarcity in the city of Delhi. Groundwater levels are falling between one and two meters every year in many parts of Delhi. Reducing the flood plain area could make this fall further.

The latest campaign to save the Yamuma will begin by studying causes of pollution of the river and the role it plays in life of the people of the Delhi region. While criticizing the government, Jal Biradari is also seeking government involvement in decisionmaking for the Yamuna, particularly in managing water resources.