捕鯨管制歧見難解 國際捕鯨委員會恐瓦解 | 環境資訊中心

捕鯨管制歧見難解 國際捕鯨委員會恐瓦解


日本想要做座頭鯨的自我定向研究,欲在下一個捕鯨季增加捕捉量。(照片來源:NOAA)國際捕鯨委員會(IWC)的未來動向正處於緊要關頭。21日,IWC 75個會員國在安克拉治針對鯨魚議題展開激烈辯論,討論內容涵蓋,從現行的商業捕鯨禁令,到日本每年殺害數百隻鯨魚的「研究探勘」行動等。




生存於俄國庫頁島旁的太平洋灰鯨正面臨日益增加的運油船的威脅。(照片來源:FOE UK)在此同時,IWC的科學研究委員會28日發出警訊,西太平洋灰鯨族群,很可能在2050年以前就會滅絕。目前灰鯨族群的分布範圍,僅南從韓國,北至鄂克霍次海。這些灰鯨受到的威脅,來自俄羅斯開採石油和天然氣,以及日本和韓國設下的捕鯨網。

Conflict Intensifies at International Whaling Commission
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, May 28, 2007 (ENS)

The future of the International Whaling Commission as a whole is at stake this week as delegates from the 75 IWC member nations debate issues that range from the current moratorium on commercial whaling, to Japan's research whaling expeditions that kill hundreds of whales each year.

In its opening statement today, Japan said that because it views the collapse of the IWC as a "real possibility," the government of Japan hosted a conference on "Normalization of the IWC" in February of this year. Half the IWC member nations boycotted the conference, but still the outcome document is on the agenda for discussion by the full IWC this week.

To Japan, normalization means that the IWC is "dysfunctional" because the body originally was established in 1946 to set rules for the harvest of whales. Now that the moratorium is in place the IWC shows "disregard for international law," the normalization conference concluded.

The IWC should drop the moratorium, the normalization conference decided, a position the Japanese delegate repeated in his opening statement in Anchorage today.

Japan says the IWC is dysfunctional because the moratorium excludes whales "from the principle of sustainable use of resources." Japan argues that the IWC has become too emotional concerning whales and that negotiations are not carried out in good faith.

Meanwhile, the IWC Scientific Committee warned today that the population of Western Pacific gray whales is likely to go extinct by 2050. The small population ranges from Korea in the south to the Okhotsk Sea in the north. These animals are threatened by oil and gas exploration off Russia and are also being caught in nets by Japanese and Korean fishermen.



