去年夏天,夏威夷海洋生物研究院接受州政府230萬美元挹注,支援這項研究計畫,卻直到上週才公開這份申請許可。這艘負有研究使命、隸屬國家海洋大氣局所有的Hi'ialakai船艦,要求將人為廢棄物傾倒在保護區海域。根據申請許可,Hi'ialakai污水處理系統故障,無法將盥洗污水和便溺污水分離, 「不得不」將這些日常污水排放海中。
Out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, environmentalists say all is not well in America's first national marine monument on World Ocean Day, observed each year on June 8.
They are outraged at the recent decision of the Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources, BLNR, to allow bio-prospecting in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument.
Conservationists and native Hawaiians are attending the BLNR meeting today in Honolulu to demand a moratorium on all research permits in this far-flung island chain that stretches for 1,400 square miles north and west of the main Hawaiian islands.
The conservationists argue that the BLNR should not grant rights to bio-prospectors when a law on the issue is being drafted.
The Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology received $2.3 million in federal funding for this research project last summer, but the permit applications were made public only last week.
The ship for this research mission, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Hi'ialakai, is requesting permission to dump human waste in the monument waters. According to the permit application, the ship's waste system is broken and unable to separate grey water from black water, so the institute says it must dump both types of waste into the ocean on a daily basis.
But dumping waste is prohibited in both the state and federal waters of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Townsend and Holt-Takamine will go before the BLNR today to point out that research is being allowed before any monument management plan is in place.
The Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology says a 2005 agreement with the National Marine Sanctuary Program allows its scientists to conduct the scientific research required for the development of a science-based ecosystem management plan for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve. This reserve is included in the new monument.