颶風「古努」侵襲伊朗 70人喪生 油港毫髮無傷 | 環境資訊中心

颶風「古努」侵襲伊朗 70人喪生 油港毫髮無傷


暴風雨造成的淹水狀況(圖片來源:Guy de Oman)上週襲捲阿曼和伊朗的颶風「古努」,在伊朗官方媒體9日報導又有9人罹難的消息後,因此次暴風雨而不幸喪生的人數已增加為70人。這樣的災情對這個極為乾燥的地區來說是相當罕見的,同時各界也開始擔憂,供應全球1/4油量的中東石油出口活動因而中斷。





Cyclone Gonu Kills 70, Leaves Oil Ports Unscathed
TEHRAN, Iran, June 11, 2007 (ENS)

The death toll from Cyclone Gonu rose to 70 on Saturday when Iranian state media reported nine new deaths from the storm that swept across Oman and Iran last week. A rarity in this arid part of the world, the storm raised fears of a disruption to oil exports from the Middle East, which pumps over a quarter of the world's oil.

The strongest tropical storm recorded in the Gulf region since 1945, the cyclone left at least 30 people dead in Oman, while 40 people lost their lives in Iran. The death toll is expected to rise as search and rescue workers reach remote areas isolated by flooding.

Cyclone Gonu was first observed by satellite on June 4 approaching the northeastern shore of Oman, a region better known for hot desert conditions.

The storm then had reached a dangerous Category 4 status, and was forecast to graze Oman’s northeastern shore, following the coastline of the Gulf of Oman. Gonu peaked as a maximum force Category 5 hurricane on Tuesday.

On fears of a disruption to oil exports, crude oil prices rose to around $71 a barrel on Thursday. But prices stabilized near $65 a barrel on news over the weekend that Cyclone Gonu had spared major oil installations, easing supply worries.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.