研究發現:植物也能辨識「自家人」 | 環境資訊中心



海濱植物(The American sea rocket 圖片來源:Virginia Kline courtesy U. Wisconsin-Madison)一般看似平靜的花園植物其實不像人們所認為的那樣隨遇而安,至少在面對陌生植物時確是如此。加拿大麥克瑪斯特大學的學者實驗發現,當同種不同根的陌生植物被迫在同一花盆內生長時,植物會出現好爭的變化;不過出自同根的植物在同樣的情況下,卻相對「客氣」許多。


生物學助理教授杜莉(Susan Dudley)指出,儘管植物不具認知和記憶的能力,不過經研究顯示,植物之間也會出現複雜的社交行為,例如對同根親戚會出現利他主義的互動方式。


Plants Can Recognize and Prefer Their Kin
HAMILTON, Ontario, Canada, June 13, 2007 (ENS)

The apparently passive garden plant is not as easy-going as people assume, at least not with strangers. Researchers at McMaster University have found that plants become competitive when forced to share a pot with strangers of the same species, but they are more friendly when potted with their siblings.

Because differences between groups of strangers and groups of siblings only occurred when they shared a pot, the root interactions may provide a cue for kin recognition.

Though they lack cognition and memory, Dr. Susan Dudley, associate professor of biology, says the study shows plants are capable of complex social behaviors such as altruism towards relatives.

Gdeners might want to use this discovery to change their plant arrangements, placing siblings close to one another.But, how the plants learn which neighbor is a relative is still a mystery.

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.