英國新任環境部長面對氣候變遷、核廢料議題 | 環境資訊中心



布朗內閣 :: 圖片來源:英國內閣辦公室英國新任首相布朗(Gordon Brown)任命新的環境部長。在前任首相布萊爾任職10年下台後,6月27日布朗接任新首相。當前英國面臨的重要核心議題是氣候變遷,及輻射廢棄物等。布朗首相指定國會議員班恩(Hilary Benn)為掌管國家環境、食品和農村事務部部長,前任部長米利班(David Miliband)改任外交與聯邦事務部大臣。




New British Environment Secretary Faces Climate, Nuclear Waste Issues
LONDON, UK, June 28, 2007 (ENS)

The United Kingdom has a new environment secretary in the newly formed government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The new Prime Minister took office on Wednesday as former Prime Minister Tony Blair resigned the post he has held for the past 10 years. Issues of climate change and radioactive waste disposal are front and center in the UK today.

Prime Minister Brown appointed Member of Parliament Hilary Benn to be secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs, replacing MP David Miliband, who now joins the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as foreign secretary.

Benn will head The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA, which is now dealing with issues of climate change and disposal of Britain's nuclear waste.

Friends of the Earth Director Tony Juniper said, "We welcome Hilary Benn to his new role - his challenge is to make sure we get a strong Climate Change Bill which includes a commitment to reduce the UK's carbon emissions by at least three percent per year. David Miliband has created considerable momentum in this direction and now it is up to Hilary Benn to finish the job. In this he has a chance to make history."

The United Nations climate conference set for Indonesia in November is expected to be the forum that maps out a global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions when the current Kyoto Protocol, to which Britain is a Party, expires in 2012.

Juniper said his group would like to see the present and past environment secretaries form "a strong partnership to ensure that Britain continues to play a pivotal role in the up-coming international climate change negotiations."

At home, the Carbon Reduction Commitment, announced in the Energy White Paper in May, is a mandatory cap and trade scheme that will cap emissions from up to 5,000 large business and public sector organizations, which are collectively responsible for around 14 million metric tons of carbon each year.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.