綠色和平組織:再生能源可望節省上千億美元能源支出 | 環境資訊中心



英國臨海最大的風力發電設施 (圖片來源: ENS)根據綠色和平組織(Greenpeace)與「歐盟再生能源委員會」(EREC)6日發行的聯合報告指出,全世界如果投資再生能源用以代替燃燒石化燃料,將能節省每年約1800億美元的能源支出,同時在2030年達到溫室氣體二氧化碳減半的目標。


國際綠色和平組織能源主任史溫泰斯克(Sven Teske)表示,「就像活樂地球演唱會動員全球上億民眾,呼籲採取緊急行動以對抗氣候威脅一樣,我們的報告顯示出不僅世界電能必須轉向再生能源的使用,而且我們如果這樣做,將可以逐步節省上百萬兆美元,每年約1800億美元的巨額支出。」


Renewable Energy Future Could Save the World Billions of Dollars a Year
BRUSSELS, Belgium, July 6, 2007 (ENS)

Investing in renewable electricity worldwide instead of burning fossil fuels could save US$180 billion annually and cut emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in half by 2030, according to a joint report by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council, released today.

In the first global analysis of its kind, the report argues for a shift in global investments towards renewable energy - solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and bioenergy - within the next 23 years, and away from "dangerous" coal and nuclear power.

"As Live Earth mobilizes billions of people to take urgent action against the climate threat, our report shows not only that the world electricity needs can be met by renewable energy, but that by doing so, we will literally save trillions of dollars; a massive US$180 billion a year, forever," said Sven Teske of Greenpeace International.

The report gives the financial rationale for Greenpeace's "Energy Revolution," a blueprint for how to cut global carbon dioxide, CO2, emissions by 50 percent by 2050, while maintaining global economic growth.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.