佛州氣候高峰會 州長承諾更潔淨能源政策 | 環境資訊中心

佛州氣候高峰會 州長承諾更潔淨能源政策


保護佛州高峰會佛羅里達州州長查理‧克里斯特(Charlie Crist)12日在「全球氣候變遷--保護佛州高峰會」中對與會者發表演說並提出警告,「除非從現在開始採取對抗氣候變遷的立即行動,不然佛州和該州的經濟恐將遭受更大的危機,如嚴重的乾旱、毀滅性的大火、農業不振、猛烈的暴風雨以及海平面上升等。」



Florida Governor Caps Climate Summit With Cleaner Energy Policy
MIAMI, Florida, July 13, 2007 (ENS)

Unless Florida acts now to avert climate change, the state and its economy will suffer ever more severe drought, destructive fires, endangered agriculture, violent storms, and rising sea levels, warned Governor Charlie Crist Thursday addressing participants at the Serve to Preserve Florida Summit on Global Climate Change.

Today, Governor Crist, a Republican, concluded the summit by signing three executive orders directing cuts in Florida's greenhouse gas emissions and increases in energy efficiency. Under the new policy, Florida will pursue renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, as well as alternative energy such as ethanol and hydrogen.

The governor also signed partnership agreements with Germany and the United Kingdom to discuss and promote initiatives that broaden the Kyoto Protocol and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases beyond 2012 when the protocol expires.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.