澳訂碳排放交易計劃 左缺控制措施右缺程 | 環境資訊中心

澳訂碳排放交易計劃 左缺控制措施右缺程


澳洲燃煤發電廠(圖片來源:Yallourn Energy Pty Ltd)澳洲總理霍華德(John Howard)17日表示,澳洲政府將分析削減溫室氣體排放量作為遠程目標的可行性,並據此逐步擬定溫室氣體排放交易計劃。儘管政府預計在此計劃上投入6.37億澳元的資金,在落實碳排放額度的交易之際,卻不配套任何排放控制措施與任何明確的時程表。



綠色和平組織澳洲分部站在同等批評的立場,認為對抗氣候變遷的行動不能等,因為科學家們指出,我們只有5到10年的時間,還有機會透過削減溫室氣體排放的方式,來避免氣候暖化不可預期的效應。然而,據澳洲環境部長杜恩爾(Malcolm Turnbull)的說法,政府目前正處於討論削減排放措施的研擬階段。


Australia's Emissions Trading Scheme Sets No Cap, No Date
MELBOURNE, Australia, July 17, 2007 (ENS)

The Australian government will begin work on a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme with analysis of a long-term goal for emissions reduction, Prime Minister John Howard announced today. The government's A$637 million plan sets no cap on emissions nor does it set a date for when the trading of emissions credits will begin.

As a first step, Howard said the government will introduce legislation later this year to provide for "comprehensive, robust and streamlined national mandatory emissions and energy reporting."
Critics immediately jumped all over the government's plan, saying the government's emissions trading scheme is merely electioneering.

Greenpeace Australia indicates that "the climate cannot wait. Scientists tell us we have five to 10 years to turn our emissions pathway around and away from climate disaster." But Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the government is concentrating on practical measures to bring down greenhouse gas emissions.

But in the global scheme of things, whatever Australia does will not make much of a difference, said the Prime Minister today.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.