山巒協會(Sierra Club)宣布,其與美國聯邦災難防治署(Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA)的爭論已獲得部分勝利。兩方爭論是關於2005年因颶風卡崔娜與莉塔侵襲造成倖存者無家可歸,當時所提供的12萬輛移動式房屋與拖車當中,部分發現有毒性的甲醛。
山巒協會執行長波普(Carl Pope)於25日表示,住在拖車的居民與山巒協會已對聯邦災難防治署施壓,要求其承認拖車甲醛溢氣量的問題,並且在確認旅行居住車達安全標準之前,停止配給。
The Sierra Club is declaring a partial victory in its fight with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, over toxic formaldehyde found in some of the 120,000 mobile homes and travel trailers provided to hurricane survivors left homeless in 2005 by Katrina and Rita.
In response to a public outcry by the Sierra Club and others, FEMA has decided to re-evaluate its decision to continue distributing trailers known to have unsafe levels of formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde is a chemical used in paint and adhesives, and is classified as a "known carcinogen" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope said today, "Trailer residents and the Sierra Club have been pressing the agency to acknowledge the problem of formaldehyde outgassing in the trailers and to stop distributing the trailers until the agency could ensure that all trailers going out were safe."
"Dangerously high levels of formaldehyde found in many FEMA trailers have caused serious health problems for many trailer residents and are even suspected as the cause of several deaths," Pope said.