環境污染 引發不同階段兒童成長問題 | 環境資訊中心

環境污染 引發不同階段兒童成長問題





世衛組織跨地區研究小組(Interregional Research Unit)組長丹斯特(Terri Damstra)博士表示,「孩童不只是小大人。」環境污染對兒童的危害比對成人的危害要嚴重得多,處於不同生長階段的孩童,對環境污染所造成的受害程度也有所不同。

Childhood Growth Stages Determine What Harm Pollution Does
GENEVA, Switzerland, July 27, 2007 (ENS)

An increased risk of cancer, heart and lung disease in adults can result from exposures to certain environmental chemicals during childhood, the World Health Organization said today. This finding is part of the first report ever issued by the agency focusing on children's special susceptibility to harmful chemical exposures at different stages of their growth.

Air and water contaminants, pesticides in food, lead in soil, as well many other environmental threats which alter the delicate organism of a growing child may cause or worsen disease and induce developmental problems, said the World Health Organization, WHO, releasing the report at its Geneva headquarters.

The peer-reviewed report highlights the fact that in children, the stage in their development when exposure to a threat occurs may be just as important as the magnitude of the exposure.

"Children are not just small adults," said Dr. Terri Damstra, team leader for WHO's Interregional Research Unit. Children are especially vulnerable and respond differently from adults when exposed to environmental factors - and this response may differ according to the different periods of development they are going through."

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.