911恐怖攻擊事件屆滿6週年,紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)推出全新的「世貿大樓健康網站」。「關懷911健康衝擊」的報告,促成了這個網站的誕生。
由紐約副市長吉布斯(Linda Gibbs)和史凱勒(Edward Skyler)帶領市政相關單位針對911事件受害者所造成的健康影響,提出這份「關懷911健康衝擊報告」,隨後,紐約市長在今年2月採納了報告中的15項建議案。
紐約健康局局長佛來登(Thomas Frieden)博士表示:「關於世貿大樓攻擊事件對健康的衝擊,我們還有許多不了解的地方。但是,我們確切的知道有些救難及重建人員、市府公務人員和居民都發生健康問題。有些是呼吸道疾病,例如氣喘,而有些則是精神健康問題,例如沮喪和創傷後壓力失調症候群。
• 不同族群(例如市府公務人員或一般居民)的健康訊息。
• 何處可以獲得評估及治療的詳細資訊,包括三座世貿中心卓越中心。
• 完整彙集所有科學報告和正在進行的相關研究訊息。
• 財務協助單位、社服和環保團體、及其他也在處理911相關問題的團體的網站連結。
• 醫護人員的資料庫。
On the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a new World Trade Center health website. Its creation was a key recommendation of the report, "Addressing the Health Impacts of 9/11."
Online at http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/wtc/html/home/home.shtml, the new site provides, for the first time, a single source for information about the health effects of 9/11. It consolidates the latest information about scientific research and services, including where those affected can go for free treatment and medicine.
The website includes easily accessible research findings and treatment options for the different groups of affected people - rescue and recovery workers, residents, children, city employees and others.
In February, the mayor adopted all of the 15 recommendations in the "Addressing the Health Impacts of 9/11" report.
The report's authors, led by Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs and Deputy Mayor Edward Skyler, represented all of the city agencies dealing with the health impacts of the attacks on the World Trade Center, WTC.
"There is much we still don't know about World Trade Center health effects," said New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden. "But we do know that some rescue and recovery workers, city employees, and residents have experienced health problems. Some have experienced respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, or mental health issues such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder."
The new site offers:
• Health information targeted to each affected group such as workers or residents.
• Detailed information on where to get evaluation and treatment, including the three WTC Centers of Excellence
• A compilation of all scientific literature and information about ongoing research
• Links to financial assistance providers, social-service and environmental groups, and other groups working on issues related to 9/11
• Resources for health care professionals
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