美國加州長堤水利會13日提出警告:「水資源短缺的問題迫在眉睫」,並提出一份正式聲明表明應該 要啟動城市供水不足的緊急計畫。
因而自13日開始,長堤市的居民和公司企業不能在白天使用可飲用的水在庭院澆花或灌溉,一星期也 不能超過3天。
他們不能用一般庭園慣用的塑膠管來洗車道、人行道、停車場、中庭或其他戶外的水泥地面,除非管 子有加上壓力省水閥。
除了要減少庭院用水過多,浪費過多的水資源之外,居民還必須立即開始減少淋浴的時間,同時安裝 節水蓮蓬頭,並檢查水表慎防漏水。
A water supply shortage is "imminent," the Long Beach Water Board warned Thursday, under a formal declaration that activates the city's Emergency Water Supply Shortage Plan.
As of Thursday, Long Beach residents and businesses can no longer irrigate any landscape with potable drinking quality water during daylight hours or more than three days a week.
Neither can they wash driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, patios or other outdoor cemented or paved areas with a garden hose, unless it is attached to pressurized water broom.
In addition to eliminating landscape over-watering and all water run-off, residents are instructed to immediately reduce time in the shower, install low-flow shower heads, and check water meters for potential leaks.