加州簽署法案 禁止塑膠兒童玩具加入危險化學物質 | 環境資訊中心

加州簽署法案 禁止塑膠兒童玩具加入危險化學物質


加州民主黨議員Fiona Ma 宣步她起草的法案AB1108通過;此法案將禁止使用酸酯類化學物(phthalates)於嬰幼兒玩具。圖片提供:Assemblymember美國加州州長阿諾(Arnold Schwarzenegger)簽署了一項法案,這項法案將禁止乙烯基(vinyl)玩具與兒童照護產品的製造、販賣與散播。這類專為3歲以下兒童設計的產品含有酸酯類化學物(phthalates),使加州成為美國第一個以法令禁止這種化學物質用於嬰幼兒玩具的州政府。



起草這項法案的舊金山民主黨議員馬費歐娜(Fiona Ma)表示:「加州在保護兒童免於危險化合物危害及保衛我們環境上持續居國家領先地位。AB1108號法案對美國消費品安全委員會傳達清楚的訊息,就是說如果布希政府不採取行動,加州會。」

這項法案的共同支持者「環境加州(Environment California)」組織法規主任傑可布森(Dan Jacobson)指出:「我們為加州政府展開保護我們兒童免於危險化學物危害的行動感到振奮。這項法案之所以如此重要是因為,兒童的腦部及身體在這時期正經歷成長與發育非常細緻脆弱的過程,他們特別容易因為化學物質的作用而影響正常的發育。」



California Bans Hazardous Chemical in Plastic Baby Toys
SACRAMENTO, California, October 17, 2007 (ENS)

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation to prohibit the manufacturing, sale and distribution of vinyl toys and childcare products that contain phthalates designed for children under three, making California the first state in the country to ban these chemicals used in baby toys.

"We must take this action to protect our children," said the governor. "These chemicals threaten the health and safety of our children at critical stages of their development."

The phthalate ban was among 80 bills the governor signed Sunday to meet a midnight deadline. The ban will take effect on January 1, 2009. Several other states are expected to follow suit.

"California continues to lead the nation in protecting children from dangerous chemicals and in safeguarding our environment," said Assemblymember Fiona Ma, the San Francisco Democrat who authored the bill. "AB 1108 sends a clear message to the Consumer Product Safety Commission that if the Bush administration won't act, states will."

"We are thrilled that California is taking action to protect our kids from dangerous chemicals," said Dan Jacobson, legislative director for Environment California, a co-sponsor of the legislation. "This bill is so important because as children's minds and bodies go through the delicate processes of growing and developing, they are particularly vulnerable to chemicals that could affect proper development."

Phthalates are chemicals added to plastic to make it soft and flexible. Among many other things, they are used in soft plastic toys and other baby products, such as teethers, bath books, and rubber ducks.

Because phthalates are not chemically bonded to the plastic, these toxic chemicals are easily released. When children suck on these products, phthalates can leach out and enter their bodies.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.