伊利諾州榮獲清淨能源新星的殊榮 | 環境資訊中心



芝加哥千禧公園裏,運用太陽能板發電的建築物。圖片來源:Spire Solar Chicago根據美國非營利組織「環境美國」14日發行的報告指出,伊利諾州最近因力行提升再生能源以及節能省電運動而榮獲「能源新星」的殊榮。


伊利諾州環境部長史丹費爾(Rebecca Stanfield)表示,伊利諾州和其他各州透過減少能源消費以及促進再生能源的行動掀起了美國的能源挑戰。

而在發行報告的同時,「環境美國」聯合了國會成員以及「美國山巒俱樂部」(Sierra Club)和「美國奧杜邦學會」(National Audubon Society)的代表們,號召國會順應各州所帶起的風潮,並通過一個更加健全的能源法案,以促進再生能源、燃油經濟和能源保護。

Illinois Earns Clean Energy Rising Star Award
CHICAGO, Illinois, November 16, 2007 (ENS)

The state of Illinois rated a "rising star" for its recent moves to increase renewable energy and save electricity, according to a report released Wednesday by the nonprofit Environment America.

The Environment America report, "America's Clean Energy Stars: State Actions Leading America to a New Energy Future" praised Illinois officials for adopting bold policies to promote clean energy that can provide a model for the entire nation.

"Illinois and other states are rising to our nation's energy challenge by taking action to reduce energy consumption and promote clean renewable energy," said Rebecca Stanfield, director of Environment Illinois.

In releasing the report, Environment America was joined by members of Congress along with representatives of the Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society in calling on Congress to follow the lead of the states by passing a strong energy bill that increases renewable energy, fuel economy and energy conservation.

全文及圖片詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.