2007年溫度飆高 烘乾澳洲南部 | 環境資訊中心

2007年溫度飆高 烘乾澳洲南部






澳洲農業聯盟副會長柏克(Charles Burke)表示,「日益成長的生質能源市場讓糖及穀物需求增加,因此,及早下雨即能預見農產品價格將可追隨全球價格走高,故年初時農民們原本期待今年冬季會是一個良好的播種季節,以期能賺取高額報酬。」


Record Heat Parched Southern Australia in 2007
CANBERRA, Australia, January 3, 2007 (ENS)

For many Australians 2007 was the warmest year on record, although when averaged across the whole continent, it was only the sixth warmest year, according to the 2007 Climate Statement issued today by the National Climate Centre.

Statistically, the mean temperature for Australia was 0.67°C above average in 2007, making it the sixth warmest year since high quality Australia-wide recordkeeping began in 1910.

A grim feature of the year has been extremely low water availability across parts of Australia, although the continent as a whole received near average rainfall.

The basin is home to two million people and supplies nearly half Australia's fruit and cereal crops. The ongoing drought intensified early in November with the onset of very hot weather. Temperatures were up to six degrees above average for much of the southern part of the Basin.

National Farmers Federation Vice-President Charles Burke said that early in the year Australian farmers were hopeful that there would be a strong winter cropping season as early rain promised to see production meet high global prices, driven by demand for sugar and grains from the growing biofuels market.

"However, the failure of the rains to eventuate over both winter and spring saw that optimism wane as the sector was plunged into unprecedented back-to-back winter crop failures, and minimal water allocations for many farms across the country. As a result, farm debt mounted, rising to over $45 billion, " Burke said.

全文及圖片詳見: ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.