玉米基因定序完成 未來產量可望提高 | 環境資訊中心

玉米基因定序完成 未來產量可望提高


威爾森博士。圖片來源: Washington University美國華盛頓大學聖路易分校領導的科學團隊,28日公開世界第一份完整的玉米基因地圖。而研究人員也已針對玉米基因擬出工作計畫,欲投入更多努力來研發玉米品種的多樣性,以滿足人類對於食物、家畜飼料及燃料等每日益增的需求。

這份基因藍圖是由該計畫的領導人,同時也是華盛頓大學基因定序中心主任的威爾森博士(Richard K. Wilson, Ph.D.),於28日在華盛頓舉辦的第50屆玉米基因研討會上發布。威爾森表示,「現在有了基因藍圖,科學家就能夠精確且有效率的從玉米基因研究中,找出方法來改良培育技術,還能進一步提升產量及抗病、抗旱的能力。」





重要的糧食作物-玉米。圖片來源:USDA「對美國而言,玉米在經濟上極具重要性。」國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation)主任亞頓(Arden L. Bement Jr.)表示,「玉米基因的初稿序列一旦完成,不僅是科學上一大進步,也能帶動整體農業社區及經濟的成長。」



Corn Genome Map Could Lead to Higher Yields
WASHINGTON, DC, February 28, 2008 (ENS)

The world's first map of the corn genome was unveiled today by a team of scientists led by Washington University in St. Louis. The researchers have completed a working draft of the corn genome, which they say should accelerate efforts to develop better crop varieties to meet growing demands for food, livestock feed and fuel.

The genetic blueprint was announced today by the project's leader, Richard K. Wilson, Ph.D., director of Washington University's Genome Sequencing Center, at the 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference in Washington, DC.

Wilson said. "Scientists now will be able to accurately and efficiently probe the corn genome to find ways to improve breeding and subsequently increase crop yields and resistance to drought and disease."
Corn is only the second crop after rice to have its genome sequenced, and scientists will now be able to look for genetic similarities and differences between the crops.

The genetic code of corn consists of two billion bases of DNA, the chemical units that are represented by the letters T, C, G and A, making it similar in size to the human genome, which is 2.9 billion letters long. By comparison, the rice genome is far smaller, containing about 430 million bases.

The challenge for Wilson and his colleagues was to string together the order of the letters, an immense and daunting task both because of the corn genome's size and its complex genetic arrangements. Corn has 50,000 to 60,000 genes, roughly double the number of human genes.

"Sequencing the corn genome was like putting together a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle with lots of blue sky and blue water, with only a few small sailboats on the horizon," Wilson explains. "There were not a lot of landmarks to help us fit the pieces of the genome together."

"Corn is one of the most economically important crops for our nation," says National Science Foundation Director Arden L. Bement Jr. "Completing this draft sequence of the corn genome constitutes a significant scientific advance and will foster growth of the agricultural community and the economy as a whole."

The team working on the endeavor has already made the sequencing information accessible to scientists worldwide by depositing it in GenBank, an online public DNA database. The genetic data is also available at maizesequence.org.

The draft covers about 95 percent of the corn genome, and scientists will spend the remaining year of the grant refining and finalizing the sequence. "Although it's still missing a few bits, the draft genome sequence is empowering," Wilson explains. "Virtually all the information is there, and while we may make some small modifications to the genetic sequence, we don't expect major changes."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.