環團欲制止獵殺海豹活動 遭加拿大政府警告 | 環境資訊中心

環團欲制止獵殺海豹活動 遭加拿大政府警告


在加拿大註冊的莫瓦號。圖片來源:Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Society為了避免海洋看守保育協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)與2008年的獵海豹活動發生衝突,加拿大政府於21日發出聲明,警告該組織船隊的其中一艘船艦,將會違反這個國際性的海洋傳統協議。

加拿大運輸基礎建設與社區部長肯隆(Lawrence Cannon)在發給M/Y莫瓦號船長的傳真中,指示該船艦不得進入加拿大海域,並表示:「如果不遵守規定,將可能被加拿大法律起訴。」

海洋看守保育協會的創辦人是瓦特森(Paul Watson) 船長,他表示莫瓦號目前在百慕達,而他計劃將航行到聖勞倫斯灣、紐芬蘭外海的大西洋和拉不拉多半島,意圖去干擾加拿大一年一度的獵海豹活動。



海豹獵人正在追捕獵物。圖片來源:Humane Society of the United States加拿大的漁業暨海洋部部長荷姆(Loyola Hearn)在3月10日宣佈,這一季的可容許獵捕量是27萬5千頭北極豎琴小海豹,而整個海豹族群的數量超過5百50萬隻。2008年的雞冠海豹可獵捕數量定為8200隻,而總族群數量約為60萬隻。






• 實際上有強力的證據顯示,並沒有100%的有效捕殺。
• 證據也顯示,加拿大的商業獵捕海豹行為,使動物遭受巨大的痛苦與折磨。
• 獵海豹的人常常沒有遵守加拿大的規定,例如必須親自檢查頭骨或進行閃光反射測試。
• 相對於現行的作法,若海豹不是固定不動的,或者獵人站在浮冰上以致搖晃不已,都不應該獵殺海豹。
• 獵捕海豹應該要開放給獨立單位檢查,並且不得有不適當的干涉。





Canada Orders Sea Shepherd to Stay Away from Seal Hunt
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, March 24, 2008 (ENS)

In an attempt to prevent the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society from interfering with this year's seal hunt, the Canadian government Friday issued a warning to the organization that one of its vessels is believed to be "in contravention of international maritime conventions."

In a fax to the Master of the M/Y Farley Mowat, Lawrence Cannon, minister of transport, infrastructure and communities, directed the vessel not enter Canadian waters. "If this order is not complied with you will be subject to prosecution under Canadian law."

Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson said the Farley Mowat is in Bermuda and he plans to sail her to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador to intervene in Canada's annual seal hunt.

Watson replied to the minister that "the ship does not comply with all the IMO [International Maritime Organization] conventions because "the conventions apply to a commercial ship and the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat is a registered yacht." "Although the Farley Mowat WILL be entering the Canadian Economic Exclusion Zone next week, we will not be entering the 12 mile territorial limit," Watson informed the minister.

In a variety of vessels, Watson has demonstrated against the Canadian seal hunt since the mid-1970s and has taken Sea Shepherd vessels to the hunt since 1979. He has been attacked and arrested for these demonstrations, but has not been deterred.

On March 10, Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Loyola Hearn announced that this season's total allowable catch would be 275,000 harp seal pups, out of a seal herd of more than 5.5 million animals.
The 2008 hooded seal total allowable catch has been set at 8,200 animals out of a herd of 600,000.

Canada's commercial seal hunt is the world's largest hunt for marine mammals. Last year over 224,000 seals were killed, 98 percent of them pups under three months of age.

"The seal hunt is an economic mainstay for numerous rural communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the North," said Minister Hearn, who represents the people of Newfoundland and Labrador in the Canadian Parliament.

"It's with these people in mind we make decisions based on science to help maintain an economically viable and sustainable seal hunt," he said.

Watson argues that, "The threat of diminishing ice coverage due to global warming has not been factored into the decision to set quotas." Hearn has responded to such accusations by directing Canadian scientists to accelerate the next harp seal population survey.

But on December 19, 2007, at the request of the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority released its report on the Animal Welfare Aspects of Seal Hunting, finding that there is no scientific evidence to support the Canadian government's claims that its commercial seal hunt is humane.

In its examination of Canada's commercial seal hunt, the European Food Safety Authority scientists found that:

• there is strong evidence that, in practice, effective killing does not always occur
• there is evidence that, during Canada's commercial seal hunt, animals suffer pain and distress
• sealers often do not comply with the Canadian regulations in relation to manually checking the skull or administering a blinking reflex test
• in contrast to current practice, attempts to kill seals should not be made where the seal does not pose a stable target or the sealer may be unbalanced, such as on shifting ice floes
• seal hunts should be opened up to independent inspections without undue interference

The European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, concludes that seals should be recognized as sentient marine mammals that can experience pain, distress, fear, and other forms of suffering - not fish, as they are classified in Canada. It also recommends that seals should be protected from killing and skinning practices that cause them pain, distress, and avoidable suffering.

In the last year, an international groundswell of public opposition to this hunt has brought about national bans on seal products in Belgium and The Netherlands. Similar bans designed to close down markets for seal pelts are currently under consideration in Germany, Italy and Austria.

Watson, a Canadian citizen, made it clear to the Canadian government that the Sea Shepherd will not back down from its attempt to intervene in this year's seal hunt, saying, "The ship will proceed into the Gulf of St. Lawrence to defend seals from the violence and ecological recklessness of Canadian seal killers."

"My international crew are prepared for a confrontation with your government over this issue and no threats of prosecution or threats of physical harm will deter us from standing up in defense of innocent seal pups," he wrote to Minister Cannon. "As always Sea Shepherd campaigns will exercise extreme caution to insure that no person is injured. Sanctity of life is our priority consideration," Watson wrote.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.