在超過550個農場、特產作物、保育、營養、消費者及宗教組織的支持下,眾議院農業委員會主席彼德森(Collin Peterson)、高階議員古雷特(Bob Goodlatte)、委員會內及與會的眾多議員們皆表示,這個法案勢必將使全美人民受惠無窮。
此農業議案會議報告著者之一的喬治亞州參議員錢布利斯(Saxby Chambliss),於議案經國會山莊通過後,即刻籲請總統批示立法。他表示:「我們的議案為美國的農民及牧場經營者帶來生活的保障,同時也是國會為了改善飢餓及窮苦人民生活條件所做出的努力。例如,農業法案藉由讓學校孩童更容易攝取新鮮蔬果,以及藉著提高對『食物券計劃』(Food Stamp Program)和食物銀行(food banks)的等投資方案,幫助美國低收入戶達到營養均衡之要求」。
然而據農業秘書薛佛(Ed Schafer)透露,布希總統很可能會讓法案扣關。薛佛14日於一項聲明中發表布希政府的看法,認為該法案不但超出原先成本近200億美元,甚至在中產階級背後,持續抵銷對富人的地租補助,因而稱之為一項自負又沉重的議案。
然而,對於法案中點名的少數大量資金受益者而言,猶如亡羊補牢,猶未晚矣;例如議案中編列1.7億美元用於西岸(West Coast)的補鮭漁民身上,或是僅為蒙大拿州單一一個買地實體,就花費2.5億美元。薛佛最後表示:「真正的農業法案實在不應該是這樣魯莽地投資花錢」。
The farm bill that passed both houses of Congress last week with veto-proof majorities invests in improved nutrition, conservation, renewable energy and farm programs and includes significant reforms, proponents say. The bill goes Tuesday to President George W. Bush, who is expected to veto the measure.
With the support of more than 550 farm, specialty crop, conservation, nutrition, consumer and religious organizations, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson, Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte, members of the House Agriculture Committee, and members of the conference committee say the bills is good for Americans across the country.
"The Food, Conservation and Energy Act makes essential improvements in the food, farm and conservation programs that meet the needs of Americans in cities, suburbs and rural communities nationwide," said Chairman Peterson. "This bill will help working American families struggling with high food prices and will ensure that our farmers and ranchers can continue to provide a safe, abundant, homegrown supply of food and fiber."
The farm bill conference report was coauthored by U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia who urged the president to sign the bill into law. "Our bill provides certainty to America's farmers and ranchers and restates the strong commitment of Congress to the hungry and less fortunate. The farm bill includes provisions to help low-income Americans meet nutritional needs by providing school children with increased access to fresh fruit and vegetables and enhancing our investments to the Food Stamp Program and food banks," Chambliss said.
But according to Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer, the president is not likely to sign the bill. Schafer expressed the Bush administration's views in a statement Wednesday, calling the measure "a bloated, earmark laden bill that spends nearly $20 billion over its original cost and continues to balance subsidy payments to the wealthy on the backs of the middle class taxpayer."
"The bill passed today is a farm bill in name only," Schafer said. "It does not target help for the farmers who really need it, and it increases the size and cost of government while jeopardizing the future of legitimate farm programs by damaging the credibility of farm bills in general."
"At a time of record setting income for farmers, it sends the wrong message to the rest of the country who are not experiencing the boom of the agriculture sector. This bill is loaded with taxpayer funded pet projects at a time when Americans are struggling to buy groceries and afford gas to get to work."
"Eight months behind schedule, Congress will send a bill to the president that is trade distorting and fails to provide meaningful reform to the adjusted gross income limit, beneficial interest or the international food aid program," he said.
However, it is better late than never for the beneficiaries of the massive earmarks in this bill, like the $170 million for the salmon fishermen on the West Coast, or $250 million for a single entity land buy in Montana, just to name a few." "Reckless spending like this is not what farm bills should be about," said Schafer.