阿根廷提出國際控告 肅清殼牌公司煉油廠 | 環境資訊中心

阿根廷提出國際控告 肅清殼牌公司煉油廠


位於Polo Petroquérico Dock Sud的石油精煉廠。圖片來源:Foco Inpade在阿根廷政府嚴厲審核荷蘭皇家殼牌集團(Royal Dutch Shell)阿根廷分部,及該公司全球史無前例地決定防衛性關閉其位於布宜諾斯艾利斯的煉油廠之後,阿根廷當地團體也在周三提出國際控告書,反對殼牌石油公司尋求變更新廠址以及提供補償的相關措施。

在控告書中舉證殼牌阿根廷公司(公然違反)經濟合作開發組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)所發行的多國企業指導綱領。

此外,控告書也要求殼牌石油公司必須採取立即的行動,在過去幾十年來,因為其位於Polo Petroquérico Dock Sud的石油精煉廠濫用及不負責任的企業行為,而對整個社區所造成社會和環境的傷害,必須給予補償。

當地非政府組織Foco Inpade以及阿根廷地球之友(Friends of the Earth Argentina)也代表Inflamable村的居民發聲,針對殼牌阿根廷公司的違法行為,其已分別向阿根廷政府和荷蘭政府提出控告書。

位於殼牌石油精煉廠的社區。圖片來源:Foco Inpade殼牌阿根廷公司佔地106公頃,廠區位於Matanza Riachuelo盆地,而且其是拉丁美洲唯一一家隸屬於殼牌集團的煉油廠。




殼牌石油精煉廠造成的污染。圖片來源:Foco Inpade控告書中譴責殼牌公司違反國家法、省級法、市級法及國際法的整列名單,而且不僅是社區控告公司,同時對於2007年8月2日殼牌公司廠區因發生事故而產生危險廢棄物資等情事,政府也在2007年8月和9月的審核中查證屬實。


Buenos Aires Citizens Seek Cleanup of Shell Refinery
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, May 30, 2008

Following a scathing government audit of the Argentine affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell and a globally unprecedented preventive closure of its refinery in Buenos Aires, local groups Wednesday filed a formal international complaint against the company seeking relocation and redress.

The complaint cites Shell Capsa "for the flagrant and officially documented violation" of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD.

The complaint calls for immediate action by the company to redress the social and environmental harms caused to the community and to the local environment by the refinery at the Polo Petroquérico Dock Sud during decades of abuse and irresponsible corporate behavior.

Representing the residents of Villa Inflamable, the local nongovernmental organizations Foco Inpade and Friends of the Earth Argentina presented parallel complaints to the governments of Argentina and the Netherlands against Shell Capsa, Shell's Argentine affiliate.

The Shell Capsa facility occupies a total of 106 hectares in the Matanza Riachuelo Basin and is the only refinery in South America belonging to the Shell Group.

It is located four kilometers from the center of Buenos Aires, in the suburban locality of Avellaneda, where the inhabitants are described in the complaints as suffering from "extreme socio-economic vulnerability" which has evolved over time and in parallel to the petroleum refinery industry, largely dominated by Shell.

The crude oil is transported from the oil fields to the refinery primarily by sea, although some is transported by pipeline. Shell Capsa has its own fleet of ships that unload the raw material at its dock for flammable materials near the refinery, from which the crude oil is pumped into storage tanks to be processed.

Shell also owns two gas plants which obtain butane, propane, and propylene.

The complaints denounce Shell for a long list of national, provincial, municipal and international law violations that are not only claimed by the community against the company, but that have been confirmed in an audit carried out in August and September 2007 after accidents that occured at the facility on August 2, 2007, generating hazardous waste.

The National Environmental Authority of Argentina then ordered a preventive closure of the facility for failure to comply with national environmental laws.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.