抗議亞伯達北部油砂開採 綠色和平人士遭捕 | 環境資訊中心

抗議亞伯達北部油砂開採 綠色和平人士遭捕

摘譯自2008年7月24日ENS 加拿大,亞伯達省,麥克暮瑞報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校

11位綠色和平組織人士於7月25日,進入「合成原油有限公司」(Syncrude Canada Ltd.)在麥克暮瑞堡北部經營的「極光油砂廠」(Aurora North Tar Sands facility)高舉旗幟,呼籲將尾砂池的排出口,改道至有毒污泥匯集處的排放口。









參與此次油砂事件的綠色和平成員赫德馬﹝Mike Hudema﹞說道,「大型石油公司正在掠奪亞伯達省的天然資源,他們讓阿薩巴斯卡河 (Athabasca River)的淡水變成了充滿有毒污泥的巨大湖泊,不僅扼殺野生生物也毒害了當地居民。」



Greenpeacers Arrested Protesting Oil Sands in Northern Alberta
FORT MCMURRAY, Alberta, Canada, July 24, 2008 (ENS)

Eleven Greenpeace activists entered Syncrude's Aurora North Tar Sands facility north of Fort McMurray today, erecting a banner that transformed the opening of a tailings pond pipe into the "mouth" of a giant skull, spewing toxic sludge.

Shortly after 8:00 am, Greenpeaceers attempted to block the pipe, but the strength of the water pressure prevented the closure from being completed, said a spokesperson for the group.

Two other activists hung a banner reading "World's Dirtiest Oil: Stop the Tar Sands," on the bank of the tailings pond.

Before they could completely block the second pipe, Syncrude security took the 11 activists into custody and handed them over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Charges are pending against all the demonstrators.

Syncrude confirms that the Greenpeace activists entered the Aurora site today without permission. The company believes they gained access by breaking through a locked gate.

The protestors were "escorted to another area on the site to ensure their safety," the company said in a statement, adding that there were no environmental impacts or operational upsets as a result of the incident.

"We are thankful no one was hurt," said Syncrude President and CEO Tom Katinas. "While we encourage debate and dialogue about the environmental impacts of oil sands development, we do expect it to be conducted in a lawful and professional manner."

"Big oil companies are pillaging Alberta's natural resources, robbing freshwater from the Athabasca River to make giant lakes of toxic sludge that are killing wildlife and poisoning local communities," said Mike Hudema, a tar sands campaigner with Greenpeace.

"Today we brought our message to the perpetrators of this environmental crime with a clear message to
put the brakes on the tar sands," Hudema said.

The tar sands use more water than any other Alberta user. Current projects are licensed to remove more than 450 million cubic meters of water from the Athabasca River each year, about two and a half times the amount of water used by the city of Calgary each year.

After use, the water is so contaminated with toxic chemicals that it is stored in toxic tailings ponds so large that they can be seen from space.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.