簽署消費品安全法 美查禁止有毒玩具 | 環境資訊中心

簽署消費品安全法 美查禁止有毒玩具

摘譯自2008年8月14日 ENS 美國,華府報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校

因為表面塗料含有過度的鉛,而被撤回的系列玩具,由香港的第一學習有限公司所製成(First Learning Co. Ltd);圖片來源:CPSC針對在12歲以下的兒童用品中禁止使用鉛塗料及鄰苯二甲酸酯類(phthalates)的禁令,美總統布希於14日簽署該法案時,掌聲立即從四面八方響起。全球相關法令中,就屬該法的標準最為嚴格。



美國眾議院發言人暨加州民主黨籍議員的裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)於8月14日表示,這項新的立法將讓父母都可以心安。裴洛西說道,「這項具里程碑意義的法令將加強我們各方面的能力,像是預防販售不安全的玩具、盡速將查到的將有害產品下架,以及增加違反產品安全法的罰金與罰鍰等。」

發起此法案的美國阿肯色州的民主黨參議員普萊爾(Mark Pryor)說道,這將讓有毒玩具及危險產品遠離我們的家園。


這項立法在眾議院中受到伊利諾州聯邦眾議員魯什(Bobby Rush)的支持。「針對有毒玩具制定更嚴格的新禁令,並讓消費品安全委員會恢復實權,國會同心協力地努力讓兒童產品更加安全,」魯什於8月1日說道,「在重建消費者安全及消費者信心方面,我們已往前邁了一大步。」

Product Safety Law Signed Today Bans Toxic Toys
WASHINGTON, DC, August 14, 2008 (ENS)

Praise poured in from all quarters today as President George W. Bush signed into law a bill that bans lead paint and phthalates in products intended for children under the age of 12 - the strictest such law in the world.

The record-setting 448 product recalls last year - about half of them for children's products - drove the bill through the legislative process. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 passed both houses of Congress late last month with overwhelming majorities.

The legislation reauthorizes the Consumer Product Safety Commission for FYs 2010-2014 and expands the commission's role in ensuring the safety of consumer products, especially those designed for children.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said today that the new law would give parents peace of mind. "This landmark law will strengthen our ability to prevent unsafe toys from being sold, remove from the shelves more quickly products that are found to be harmful, and increase fines and penalties for violating product safety laws," Pelosi said.

Senator Mark Pryor, an Arkansas Democrat who authored the legislation said it would "keep toxic toys and other dangerous products out of our homes."

"This new law hands back the reins to the CPSC, our consumer watchdog agency, by giving it the necessary authority and resources to patrol today's global marketplace," Pryor said.

"We also require more responsibility from manufacturers and retailers, and stiffen the penalties if they fail to meet higher safety standards. From the factory floor to the store shelves, there are dozens more new safeguards that we've built in place to prevent unnecessary injuries and fatalities," Pryor said.
Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois sponsored the bill in the House. "Congress is united in its effort to make children's products safer by establishing a tough new ban on toxic toys and revitalizing the Consumer Product Safety Commission," said Rush on August 1. "We have taken a big step towards reestablishing consumer safety and consumer confidence."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.