美國國家清潔能源高峰會提出新點子 | 環境資訊中心



左起:美國參議院議員瑞德與紐約市長彭博,在2008/8/19出席國家清潔能源高峰會上;圖片來源:紐約市政府離岸的風力發電廠、橋樑與大樓上的風車、潮汐發電、太陽能和地熱能,這些全都是紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)為紐約規劃的未來。

他在8月19日的「國家清潔能源高峰會」(National Clean Energy Summit)上宣告紐約為新能源踏出的第一步。這項高峰會由參議員瑞德(Harry Reid)、美國進步行動中心(Center for American Progress Action Fund)與內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校所主辦。




  • 對再生能源與提高能源效率的產業,包括投資清潔能源的債券,提供長期的租稅優惠。修改其他租稅政策以鼓勵清潔能源的投資。
  • 對電力產業訂定國家可再生能源標準,促使風能、太陽能與地熱能的比例上升,在2020年前達到佔總能源20%的目標。這舉措可減少消費者的能源支出與能源價格的波動,還能減少溫室氣體的排放。
  • 訂定、更新並確實執行新的建築能效標準,在新建或翻修的建築中節能,也可以節省荷包。對提高能效的翻修提供補助,希望在2030年前將建築能耗減半。
  • 擴大並現代化美國國內的電網,使它聰明又安全,又符合環保原則。不僅能夠傳輸儲存清潔能源,還能結合電力交通工具。 開始運輸部門的電力化,使運輸部門能夠完全依靠國內生產的清潔能源。
  •  對綠色工作提供充足的財力支援,訓練勞工利用新能源科技。
  •  成立聯邦清潔能源基金,投入有關能源效率與再生能源的研發。
  •  加速認定與保存適合開發可再生能源的公有土地,對於已經認定的土地,加速核准開發的過程。
  •  加速將玉米乙醇轉換成較永續的生質能源,如用木片、農業廢棄物與switchgrass製造的燃料。這也包含美國與巴西共同在加勒比海投資開發的甘蔗乙醇,有助於在發展中地區創立就業機會。


  • 要求所有新造的政府建築符合美國綠色建築協會(U.S. Green Building Council)的LEED認證。 
  •  對於可再生能源提供租稅誘因,如降低相關的財產稅與免營業稅等優惠。
  •  要求社區居民委員會使用太陽能板以及其他的新能源科技。
  •  掃除有關提高能源效率的障礙,增加商業建築能源使用的透明度。
U.S. National Clean Energy Summit Generates Fresh Ideas
LAS VEGAS, Nevada, August 20, 2008 (ENS)

Windfarms offshore of New York City, wind turbines on top of the city's bridges and skyscrapers, and the generation of tidal power, solar power and geothermal energy are all in Mayor Michael Bloomberg's vision of New York's energy future.

Speaking at the first annual National Clean Energy Summit hosted by U.S. Senator Harry Reid, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, the mayor Tuesday announced New York's first steps toward developing these new sources of renewable energy.

First, the New York City Economic Development Corporation Tuesday released a Request for Expressions of Interest calling for innovative ideas to help the city develop sources of renewable energy. Responses to the RFEI are due September 19.

The summit drafted a set of findings and recommendations that Reid said he would share with the two upcoming national political conventions and also take to the Senate.

National Clean Energy Summit 2008 Findings and Recommendations:

The Federal government should:

**Provide long-term tax incentives for renewable energy production and energy efficiency, including clean renewable energy bonds. Modify other tax policies to reward clean energy investments

**Set a national renewable electricity standard for utilities to produce a significant portion of their electricity from wind, solar, and geothermal energy. This should be at least 20 percent by 2020. It would reduce consumers' energy costs, energy price volatility and greenhouse gas emissions

**Establish, enforce and update building code standards for energy efficiency in new and retrofitted buildings to save consumers money and reduce fossil fuel use. Provide incentives for efficiency related renovations Reduce building energy use by 50 percent by 2030.

**Modernize and expand the nation's electrical grid to make it smart and more secure, and capable of transferring or storing clean renewable energy in combination with electric vehicles, while providing greater access to such resources in an environmentally responsible way

**Initiate electrification of our entire transportation sector so it uses only clean domestic energy soon

**Fully fund and expand a green jobs/clean energy corps program to weatherize millions of homes, train workers for new energy technology application, build a smart grid, etc.

**Create a federal clean energy fund to invest in research, development and deployment of efficiency and renewable technologies

**Expedite identification and reservation of Federal public lands that have high potential for the environmentally responsible production of renewable electricity, and improving permitting processes for clean energy production on such lands

**Speed the transition from corn based ethanol to sustainable biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol made from wood chips, agriculture waste, and switch grass. This could include a joint US-Brazilian investment in sugar cane ethanol in the Caribbean, which would create jobs in this developing region.

The State of Nevada Should Consider Policies to:

**Require all new government buildings to be certified by the U.S. Green Building Council to LEED standards. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

**Convert state vehicle fleets to alternative fuels

**Create incentives for renewable energy by lowering property taxes for these facilities, and exempting them from sales tax.

**Require that homeowner associations allow solar panels and other renewable technologies.

**Eliminate barriers and regulations that discourage energy efficiency. Increase transparency of commercial building energy use for consumers.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.