擁有超過200萬名會員的6個保育團體共同提出的訴訟案,15日由美國哥倫比亞特區法院蘇利文(Emmett Sullivan)法官裁定,布希政府的該項決策無效。
美國內政部長柯偉德(Dirk Kempthorne)、國家公園局局長波瑪(Mary Bomar)以及國家公園局內山區主管史耐德(Mike Snyder)所提出的冬季使用計劃,開放每天540輛娛樂用雪上摩托車和83輛雪車進入黃石公園,也遭到保育團體起訴。
黃石公園聯盟國家公園計劃負責人麥克納馬拉(Amy McNamara)表示:「這項裁決將可確保遊客在冬季至黃石公園旅行時,不會因為空氣和噪音污染而感到失望。」
The Bush administration's authorization of increased snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park violates the fundamental legal responsibility of the National Park Service to protect the clean air, wildlife, and natural quiet of national parks for the benefit of all visitors, a federal court ruled today.
The administration authorized increased snowmobile use despite scientific conclusions by the National Park Service that the decision would multiply noise and unhealthy exhaust, which disrupt the experiences of visitors, and traffic that harms Yellowstone's wildlife, including bison.
Judge Emmett Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia today invalidated the Bush decision in a case brought by six conservation groups that together represent more than two million members.
The groups sued the Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, National Park Service Director Mary Bomar and Mike Snyder, director of the Intermountain Region of the National Park Service over their new Winter Use Plan that allows 540 recreational snowmobiles and 83 snowcoaches to enter Yellowstone every day.
The plaintiff groups claimed the Bush adminstration's decision violated numerous laws, including the National Park Service Organic Act.
The judge directed that the National Park Service must substitute a plan that ensures all visitors can safely experience the park, and uphold laws that require stronger protection of Yellowstone's air quality, wildlife, and natural sounds.
The plaintiff groups are: the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, the National Parks Conservation Association, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, the Wilderness Society, and the Winter Wildlands Alliance.
They cited research conducted by the National Park Service showing that even with an average of 263 snowmobiles per day during the past five winters, snowmobile impacts have exceeded Yellowstone's noise thresholds.
Park service research showed that the 540 snowmobiles a day authorized by the administration would double the current snowmobile use and triple the area in Yellowstone where visitors would hear motorized noise for half or more of the visiting day.
More snowmobiles would degrade Yellowstone's air quality with snowmobile exhaust, which contains carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulates, benzene and formaldehyde, park service researchers found.
And the park service found that more animals would be pushed out of their preferred habitat, impacting their health and increasing mortality.
"This ruling will ensure that visitors are not disappointed by air and noise pollution when they make the one winter trip to Yellowstone of their lives," said Amy McNamara, National Parks Program director for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition.