辛巴威兩黨妥協 白人農民成為新一波壓迫行動受害者 | 環境資訊中心

辛巴威兩黨妥協 白人農民成為新一波壓迫行動受害者


辛巴威遭暴力驅趕的白人農民。攝影:Sokwanele。許多辛巴威白人農民表示,自從目前當政的「辛巴威非洲民族聯盟-愛國陣線(ZANU-PF)」與名為「民主變革運動(Movement for Democratic Change,MDC)」的反對黨簽署了權力共享協議(power-sharing deal)之後,他們許多人就得再一次面對離開自己土地的壓力。

商業化養殖協會(Commercial Farmers Union,CFU)是一個由白人農民所組成的組織。該協會表示,在9月15日馬格比(Robert Mugabe)總統與反對黨MDC領袖茨萬吉拉伊(Morgan Tsvangirai)簽署協議後的幾個小時之內,軍方高級官員及過去自稱為辛巴威獨立戰爭游擊隊就侵佔超過42個白人所擁有的農場。

9月17到19日的「商業化養殖協會」報告(CFU report)指出:「自從簽署協議之後,被入侵搗毀的農場數量越來越多,許多自稱為新受益者的人湧入這些地產上,儘管事實上並沒有所謂的地產閒置管控權(vacant possession),他們仍然宣稱可以立即使用這些莊園與農地。所謂閒置管控權指的是擁有目前沒有被佔用地產的權利」。

這個報告提醒,對一些所謂的違抗行為所提出的告訴案件已在快速累積當中,這些提告行動是依據2006年12月所通過的「公告土地法案(Gazetted Land Act)衍生條款(Consequential Provisions)」所進行的,這使得仍居住在被公告擁有權易主農場上的農民變成是非法的。

在辛巴威首都哈拉雷的跑馬道法庭(Rotten Row Court)上,有4個白人農民面對這個法案支持下的訴訟案,控訴他們違抗交出農場給黑人進駐者的命令。

商業化養殖協會理事長費利米(Doug Taylor-Freeme)表示:「所有的法院傳票都是在最近的權力共享協議簽署之後發出的」。

從2000年的馬格比土地侵佔事件(Mugabe's land invasions)之後,4500名營利的白人農民當中僅有大約280名仍留在他們的農場上。在那個事件中,白人農民們所擁有的土地被充公並交給貧窮的辛巴威黑人及政權的支持者。


※ 註:原始文章出自「辛巴威危機報告」,奇波希多(Chipo Sithole)是這名記者的筆名。

Zimbabwe: New Crackdown on White Farmers
Chipo Sithole, HARARE, Zimbabwe, October 1, 2008 (ENS); By Chipo Sithole

White farmers in Zimbabwe say that since a power-sharing deal between the ruling ZANU-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change was signed, many have come under renewed pressure to leave their land.

The Commercial Farmers Union, a grouping of white farmers, said that military officials and self-styled former guerrillas of Zimbabwe's war of independence invaded 42 more white-owned farms within hours of the agreement being signed between President Robert Mugabe and MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai on September 15.

"Since [then], there has been an increased number of disruptions on farms, with new alleged beneficiaries arriving on many properties and claiming immediate access to the homesteads and crop lands, despite the fact there is no vacant possession [right to possess land in which there is no current occupant]," said a CFU report covering the period from September 17 to 19.

The report noted that there has been an upsurge in the number of prosecutions for alleged offenses under the Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Act, which was passed in December 2006, and makes it illegal for a farmer to remain on a farm listed for acquisition.

In the Rotten Row Court in Harare, four white farmers face prosecution under the act for defying orders to hand over their farms to black settlers.

"All [court] summonses were issued after the signing of the recent power-sharing agreement," said CFU president Doug Taylor-Freeme.

Since the onset of Mugabe's land invasions in 2000 - when land owned by white farmers was confiscated and given to poor black Zimbabweans and political supporters - only about 280 of an original 4,500 white commercial farmers remain on their farms.

Observers say that ZANU-PF hardliners now appear to be trying to seize the remaining farms before a new government is formed following the political settlement.

{This article originally appeared September 29, 2008 in Zimbabwe Crisis Reports, produced by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. Chipo Sithole is the pseudonym of an IWPR journalist in Zimbabwe.}