布希政府又通過新法案:美國工廠式農場污染無罪? | 環境資訊中心



工廠化農場的肉牛;圖片來源 : FactoryFarm.org布希政府10月31日通過法案,允許美國超過15000座工廠式農場規避淨水法案的相關要求,只要業者聲稱沒有排放任何動物排泄物至湖泊、河川和溪流。






密蘇里州的肉豬養殖園區(Whitetail Hog Facility);圖片來源 : FactoryFarm.org) 針對排放或計劃排放排泄物至水路中的集中型動物飼養經營業者,必須申請國家污染排放管制機制的許可證,申請許可時也必須提出履行施肥管理的計畫。





前環保署執行官員、現任「環境正義計畫」負責人謝弗(Eric Schaeffer)指出,無論業者是否需要國家污染排放管制機制許可證,在定案的法規中聯邦或州政府皆不會重新檢視此項志願性決議。

New Rule: Clean Water Permits Voluntary for Factory Farms
WASHINGTON, DC, November 3, 2008 (ENS)

The Bush administration finalized a rule Friday that allows more than 15,000 factory farms across the country to avoid certain requirements of the Clean Water Act if they claim they do not discharge animal wastes into lakes, rivers and streams.

Federal officials said the rule will help protect water quality and ensure safe disposal of manure, but environmentalists contend it does neither and lets some of the nation's largest polluters police themselves.
The rule affects concentrated animal feeding operations, CAFOs, which annually produce some 500 million tons of animal waste from cattle, pigs and poultry.

CAFOs store waste in massive open-air lagoons or dispose of it on land.

Spills and runoff of the waste, laden with the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous, can contaminate drinking water supplies, kill fish and spread disease.

The regulation affects compliance with the Clean Water Act's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, NPDES, permitting requirements.

It calls on CAFOs that discharge or plan to discharge wastes into waterways to apply for an NPDES permit and to complete a nutrient management plan as part of their application.

Those who do not believe they need a permit will not need to apply for one.

The EPA estimates that the new rule will prevent 56 million pounds of phosphorus, 110 million pounds of nitrogen, and two billion pounds of sediment from entering streams, lakes, and other waters annually.
The agency said it is also providing an opportunity for CAFO operators who do not believe they need an NPDES permit "to show their commitment to pollution prevention by obtaining certification as zero dischargers."

EPA, for example, did not explain whether enforcement actions would be taken against operators who decided they don't need permits, but fail to achieve such certification.

The voluntary decision as to whether an NPDES permit is needed "would not be reviewable by federal or state authorities under the final rule," according to Eric Schaeffer, director of the Environmental Integrity Project and a former EPA enforcement official.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.