美東11州自力減碳 推出「低碳燃料標準」 | 環境資訊中心

美東11州自力減碳 推出「低碳燃料標準」


圖中夫婦在了解新型減碳燃料與交通工具間媒合運轉及注意事項。圖片提供: Honda。美國賓州與其他東部10州已簽署一紙協定,同意共同發展一項區域性的低碳燃料標準,以減少交通運輸與其他源頭中的溫室氣體排放量。


賓州州長藍道爾(Ed Rendell)1月6日表示,「這項夥伴計劃再搭配本州現行的能源政策,預計不但可有效減少溫室氣體排放量且發展潔淨能源,在這樣環境更加清淨的努力下,最終將可促進經濟成長同時保護我們的地球。」



賓州1月6日所簽署的區域性低碳燃料標準的推動歷程最早可追溯至2008年6月,當初麻州州長派翠克(Deval Patrick)致函RGGI 10州的州長,冀望攜力制訂一項區域內全面通用的低碳燃料標準。而麻州州內自4月起,便已先行頒布低碳燃料標準。






11 Eastern States Commit to Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, January 6, 2009 (ENS

Pennsylvania has signed a letter of agreement with 10 other eastern states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels and other sources by developing a regional low carbon fuel standard.
Vehicles using low carbon transport fuels include cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells; electric cars such as plug-in hybrids; cars fueled with ethanol, especially cellulosic ethanol made from non-food plant materials; and cars fueled with biodiesel.

"In conjunction with Pennsylvania's energy policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase clean energy development, this work done by this partnership will ultimately grow our economy and protect our planet by fostering a cleaner environment ," Governor Ed Rendell said on Monday.

The other states in on the agreement are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

The 11 states already are partners in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, RGGI, the first mandatory, market-based effort in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The push towards a regional low carbon fuel standard started in June 2008 when Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick sent a letter to the governors of all 10 RGGI states inviting them to cooperate on a standard that would apply to the entire region. Massachusetts committed to developing a low carbon fuel standard for the state last April.

The 11 states will collaborate with the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, which has been studying a low carbon fuel standard for the region. The eastern states also have agreed to work cooperatively with other states and the federal government, and to influence the design of any federal standard or other proposed fuel policy.

Once the low carbon fuel standard is developed for the eastern region, governors from participating states will have the opportunity to consider implementation.

Fuels that may reduce greenhouse gas emissions include advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol, which have lower lifecycle carbon emissions and may be less likely to cause indirect effects from crop diversion and land use changes than biofuels on the market today such as ethanol made from corn.

Many of the 11 states in the partnership have set individual policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Pennsylvania enacted the Climate Change Act last year, establishing an advisory committee to create a report on potential climate change impacts and economic opportunities for the commonwealth.

The committee also will write an action plan for cost-effective strategies to reduce or offset the state's greenhouse gas emissions and help the Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, compile an annual inventory of the sources and amounts of greenhouse gas emissions generated within the state.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.