自2008年3月紛亂的總統大選結束後,辛巴威政治情勢的緊張持續了接連好幾個月,直至2月18日前任反對陣營領袖茨萬吉拉伊(Morgan Tsvangirai)在總統穆加比(Robert Mugabe)的主持下,正式宣誓出任辛巴威總理職務。
在此之後,總理茨萬吉拉伊及他所領導的「民主變革運動」(Movement for Democratic Change)將與穆加比和他的「辛巴威非洲民族聯盟愛國陣線」(ZANU-PF),以及以穆坦巴拉(Arthur Mutambara)為首之MDC派系分享權力。其中穆加比將會主持閣員會議,茨萬吉拉伊則能每日掌握政府的狀況。
世界衛生組織﹝World Health Organization﹞表示,「辛巴威爆發的霍亂是全球歷來最大疫情之一,而擴散狀況早已大幅超越可控制範圍。」WHO於1月時就表示,「自2008年8月到目前為止已有超過60400人感染、死亡人數超過3160人,所以有必要提出一個完備的回應來逆轉疫情擴散的局面。」
Zimbabwe's former opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was sworn in Wednesday as the country's prime minister by his rival President Robert Mugabe, following months of political tensions after disputed presidential elections last March.
Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his Movement for Democratic Change will share power with Mugabe's ZANU-PF and Professor Arthur Mutambara's breakaway MDC faction. While Mugabe will chair cabinet meetings, Tsvangirai has everyday control of the government.
In his inaugural address, the new prime minister pledged to heal the broken economy and supply food for the hungry millions and to stem the cholera epidemic brought on by collapse of the country's public health and water systems.
"For too long, our people's hopes for a bright and prosperous future have been betrayed," he said. "Instead of hope, their days have been filled with starvation, disease and fear. A culture of entitlement and impunity has brought our nation to the brink of a dark abyss. This must end today," Tsvangirai declared.
"In the immediate days ahead we will focus on the cholera crisis. We will urgently reduce both the number of outbreaks and the unacceptably high mortality level by tackling the causes of the epidemic," said Tsvangirai.
Zimbabwe's cholera outbreak, one of the world's largest ever recorded, is far from being brought under control, says the World Health Organization. An enhanced response is needed to urgently reverse an epidemic that has so far infected more than 60,400 people and killed more than 3,160 since August 2008, the world health body said in January.
Prime Minister Tsvangirai said, "We will also ensure that every Zimbabwean has access to emergency food aid regardless of tribal or political affiliation. In this regard, we will ensure that the people can access humanitarian food aid on a non-partisan basis. I call upon the chiefs and local councilors to work together to ensure that all those that are deserving can access the help they require."
Thanking all of the international relief agencies and donors who have assisted Zimbabwe, the prime minister said he would "ensure greater impact and efficiency in the distribution of emergency and development aid by appointing a senior member of my cabinet to coordinate emergency and development efforts."
"In addition to emergency food distribution, the transitional government will make food more available and more affordable by removing all duties on foodstuffs imported into the country," Tsvangirai said.
"In the short term, we will convene a food summit of all relevant stake holders to help us ensure that no Zimbabwean goes hungry. We will introduce incentives to resuscitate and rehabilitate the local food manufacturing industry and we will move towards self-sufficiency in food production beginning with the next agricultural season," he pledged.