由於近日一名偽裝成非政府組織(NGO)成員的自殺炸彈客嫌犯遭到逮捕,此事可能讓所有的援助工作者陷入危險當中。該名嫌犯,偽裝成一名籌設電腦科學訓練中心的援助工作者並潛入馬扎里謝里夫,而事實上他極可能是一名企圖暗殺巴爾赫省省長穆罕默德•阿塔(Mohammad Atta)的自殺炸彈客。
The arrest of a suspected suicide bomber who disguised himself as a member of a nongovernmental organization could put all aid workers at risk. The would-be bomber came to Mazar-e-Sharif as an aid worker setting up a computer science training center. In reality, he was a would-be suicide bomber who intended to assassinate Mohammad Atta, the governor of Balkh province.
Staff working with nongovernmental organizations, NGOs, already had plenty to worry about, given the continued violence in much of Afghanistan and the constant accusations of embezzlement and mismanagement levied by members of the government and the public. Now, following the incident in Mazar-e-Sharif, they also face the danger of being considered potential terrorists.
"I feel that I'm in danger," said an employee of a construction NGO in Mazar-e-Sharif, who declined to give his name. "Now that I've heard that terrorists want to carry out their attacks through NGOs, I am afraid that one day I will be accused of being an associate of terrorists."
Some well known NGOs working in Afghanistan include CARE, Oxfam, Save the Children, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent. They carry out relief operations such as emergency response to floods and earthquakes, agricultural and vocational training, community-based education in remote areas, water and sanitation projects, nutrition support, and skills training.