世界水資源日:加州學生為水走上街頭 | 環境資訊中心




遊行起點在貝克街的洛杉磯州立歷史公園,終點在三英里外的聖法蘭多路上的瑞奧迪洛杉磯州立公園(Rio de Loas Angeles State Park)。

以社區為主體的組織和環境正義團體聯合策劃這次遊行,包括Urban Semillas, Anahuak Youth Sports Association, Green LA Coalition, Food and Water Watch, Southern California Watershed Alliance, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, the Sierra Club and Heal the Bay等等 。



加州北部的shasta湖因為乾枯而使底部的土地曝露出來;攝影:Andi Hazelwood聯合國估計,以目前的狀況發展下去,不出15年,全世界一半人口都可能面臨水資源短缺,即使在水資源相對充裕的加州都面臨水資源永續危機。


開發中國家約有25%城市居民會以遠高於管線水的價格購買飲用水,某些情況下,買水的支出佔家庭收入的1/4。水資源日的全球活動包括藍色星球長跑基金會主辦的藍色六公里(Team Blue 6K Walk),該今會資助多項水資源計畫,透過水交換(Peer Water Exchange)來收集雨水、鑿井和手動抽水。


World Water Day: California Students March for Water
LOS ANGELES, California, March 19, 2009 (ENS)

In observance of World Water Day on March 22, hundreds of students from Los Angeles schools will join activists and concerned residents for a community March for Water to increase public awareness of the water crisis in California and around the world.

The march begins at LA State Historic Park on Baker Street in Los Angeles and ends three miles later at Rio de Los Angeles State Park on San Fernando Road.

A coalition of community-based organizations and environmental justice groups organized the march, including Urban Semillas, Anahuak Youth Sports Association, Green LA Coalition, Food and Water Watch, Southern California Watershed Alliance, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, the Sierra Club and Heal the Bay.

Organizers say the march is three miles long, because that is the average distance that millions of people worldwide walk every day to fetch water and carry it back home. In an act of symbolic solidarity, many marchers will carry water jugs on their heads.

Students from two area high schools, two community colleges and five elementary schools will carry banners representing their schools and expressing their feelings about water.

World Water Day is an international day of observance and action to draw attention to the plight of the more than one billion people worldwide who lack access to clean, safe drinking water. World Water Day was designated in 1992 by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly.

The United Nations estimates that if current trends continue, within 15 years, half of the world旧 population is likely to face water shortages. Even relatively prosperous California is facing a crisis of water sustainability.

In Los Angeles, coalition organizers are trying to raise public awareness of the tough realities of a world where water is scarce. The average person in the developing world uses 2.64 gallons of water a day, they point out, while the average person in the United States uses between 100 and 175 gallons every day at home.

An estimated 25 percent of people from cities in developing countries purchase their water from vendors at a significantly higher price than piped water. In some cases, at the cost of more than a quarter of their household incomes.

Global events include a Team Blue 6K Walk for Water Day sponsored by the Blue Planet Run Foundation. The foundation funds water projects such as rainwater harvesting, bore holes and hand pumps through its Peer Water Exchange.

For a complete worldwide list of World Water Day events with contact details, click here.