鄉村重建發展部副部長Shah Mahmoud指出:「我們已接到許多關於神學士拿取NSP資金的投訴,所以我們已經中止提供資金給某些重建計劃,在這個問題被認真看待並獲得解決前,我們將不會再提供任何一毛錢。」
但神學士對於此項爭議的態度相當強硬,並為他們取得資金的權利提出辯護。神學士派駐在Khak Safed和Pushtrod地區的高級代表Mullah Shah Mohammad表示:「這些錢是戰爭後的戰利品,由異教徒提供給戰區的人民,因此我們有絕對的權利拿取這些錢,並繼續我們的聖戰,這裡的人民也相當配合。」
Mirahmad has a very important job to do: he is the mirab, or water regulator, in his native Pushtrod district of Farah province. It is Mirahmad who ensures that the villages under his control receive adequate water for their fields.
When the state-sponsored National Solidarity Programme, NSP, gave Pushtrod 200,000 afghani (US$40,000) to clean out the Nawbahar canal irrigation canal, he was overjoyed.
"But then the Taliban asked for 40 percent of the money," he said. "Otherwise they were not going to let us do the work. So we had to buy them a four-by-four."
In district after district of remote and volatile Farah province, the Taliban are taking control. But rather than chasing out the remnants of government authority, they are seeking to profit from them, by demanding a healthy portion of donor-funded assistance projects.
First and foremost among these are projects under the auspices of the NSP, a nationwide reconstruction initiative, launched in 2003 by the ministry of rural rehabilitation and development with funding from the international community.
One of the central missions of the NSP - which has dispensed millions of dollars since it was launched - is to foster good local governance by helping communities identify and implement projects that are in their interests.
But in Farah, at least, a substantial cut of the funding is being seized by the Taliban, who are demanding a share of the funds for protecting the projects - from themselves. They then use the money they have extorted from the government to buy guns and ammunition.
"We have received numerous complaints regarding [the Taliban taking NSP money]," said Shah Mahmoud, the deputy chief of the rural rehabilitation and development department in Farah. "So we have stopped sending money to some projects. We will not send a penny until serious steps are taken to solve the problem."
The Taliban are taking quite a hard line on the issue, and are defending their right to the money.
"This money is the spoils of war," said Mullah Shah Mohammad, a senior Taliban representative in the Khak Safed and Pushtrod districts. "It was given to these people by the infidels. It is our absolute right to take this money and continue our jihad, and the people are cooperating with us on this."
But for the residents of Farah, the Taliban's actions are closer to robbery than to jihad, and they want it stopped. Juma Khan Qayed, a senior planning official in Farah city, says that the tactic would likely backfire against the Taliban.
"The Taliban have two goals here," he said. "First, they want money to make themselves stronger. Second, they want to show their power, to prove that no one can govern the districts except the Taliban. But this will widen the gap between them and the people, and in the end the locals will rise up against the Taliban."