美國「乾淨能源」政策 將採碳交易機制 | 環境資訊中心

美國「乾淨能源」政策 將採碳交易機制


弗吉尼亞州最大的化石燃料發電廠,Chesterfield;圖片提供:Dominion Virginia Power美國國會民主黨團3月31日推出了乾淨能源法草案,草案內容明訂以市場導向的碳總量管制與交易機制,作為電力公用事業、石油公司和工廠等產業的溫室氣體減量方案,這些產業排碳量加起來總共佔了美國溫室氣體排放量的85%

這份2009美國乾淨能源安全法案(American Clean Energy and Security, ACES),是由加州籍眾議員亨利維克曼(Henry Waxman)與瑪肯(Edward Markey )制訂了,他們表示這個法案確定了乾淨能源經濟藍圖。



  • 乾淨能源包含了促進可再生能源、碳捕集與儲存技術、低碳燃料、乾淨電力交通工具和智慧電力網和電力傳輸。
  • 能源效率包含了增加跨經濟產業的能源效率,包括建築、設備、交通和產業界。
  • 全球暖化包括了對抑制散熱的污染物之設置排放限額。
  • 變革的章節包括在變革往乾淨能源經濟的過程中,如何保護美國消費者和產業並促進綠色工作機會。






但是美國氣候行動聯盟(U.S. Climate Action Partnership, 簡稱USCAP)表示排放額度分配的章節需要修改,「美國氣候行動聯盟建議剛開始時應該有一大部分的排放額度免費提供給被管轄下的組織團體,以緩和對消費者的成本增加,特別是針對經濟體中比較敏感的產業,這樣的免費發送會慢慢隨時間消失。」

U.S. Carbon Emissions Trading Core of Clean Energy Bill
WASHINGTON, DC, March 31, 2009 (ENS) -

Congressional Democrats today released clean energy legislation that establishes a market-based cap-and-trade program for reducing global warming pollution from electric utilities, oil companies, and factories that together are responsible for 85 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

Henry Waxman of California, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Edward Markey who chairs the Energy and Environment Subcommittee introduced a discussion draft of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, or ACES, which they say charts a new course toward a clean energy economy.

"This legislation will create clean energy jobs that can be shipped overseas, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and make America the global leader in energy technology," said Chairman Markey, who has held many hearings on the major issues in the bill.

The legislation has four sections:

  • A clean energy title that promotes renewable sources of energy, carbon capture and sequestration technologies, low-carbon fuels, clean electric vehicles, and the smart grid and electricity transmission
  • An energy efficiency title that increases energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy, including buildings, appliances, transportation, and industry
  • A global warming title that places limits on emissions of heat-trapping pollutants
  • A transitioning title that protects U.S. consumers and industry and promotes green jobs during the transition to a clean energy economy

The section that limits greenhouse gas emissions provides that entities emitting more than 25,000 tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalent must have tradable federal permits, called allowances, for each ton of gas emitted into the atmosphere. The program sets a cap on available allowances and reduces the number of allowances issued each year.

The program aims to ensure that emissions from the covered entities in total are reduced by three percent below 2005 levels in 2012, 20 percent below 2005 levels in 2020, 42 percent below 2005 levels in 2030, and 83 percent below 2005 levels in 2050.

The legislation directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to achieve additional reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by entering into agreements to prevent international deforestation. By 2020, these agreements are expected to achieve reductions equal to 10 percent of U.S. emissions in 2005.

The draft establishes a new low-carbon transportation fuel standard to promote advanced biofuels and other clean transportation fuels. It authorizes grants or loan guarantees to cities, states, or private companies for large-scale demonstrations of electric vehicles and authorizes financial support to car companies to retool their plants for electric vehicles.

The draft facilitates the deployment of a smart grid, including measures to help promote smart grid capabilities in new home appliances. It directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to provide for new transmission lines to carry electricity generated from renewable sources.

But USCAP says the section on allocation of emissions allowances needs revision. "USCAP recommends that a significant portion of allowances be initially distributed free to entities covered by the cap in order to mitigate costs to consumers and particularly vulnerable sectors of the economy. This free distribution should then be phased out over time," the coalition said.

Click here to see an Executive Summary of the draft American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.