全球綠色世代迎接第40屆世界地球日 | 環境資訊中心



美國地球日演唱會。攝影:Evan Cooper為了慶祝世界地球日,20日當天在美國國家廣場的慶典上發起了「綠色世代」活動,在美國各地推廣可再生能源、環保工作和新能源經濟的概念。在烈燄紅唇合唱團、moe.、灰狼一族和其他歌手的音樂陪伴下,這項免費的慶典也是全美週末世界地球日最盛大的一項活動,在華盛頓特區、紐約、波士頓、亞特蘭大、芝加哥、丹佛、奧斯丁、洛杉磯、舊金山和西雅圖也都有類似的志工服務和音樂活動。



地球日宣導標語「綠色世代」(The Green Generation)取自於「最偉大的世代」(The Greatest Generation),原指那些經歷過第二次世界大戰,並啟發後續重要社會變革的世代。所有參與解決氣候變遷或全球水源、糧食危機等嚴重環境問題的個人和企業,都可說是綠色世代的成員。

由美國綠標籤(Green Seal)和美國消費調查機構EnviroMedia Social Marketing委託民意研究公司所進行的民意調查顯示,在環境友善產品這項要求上,世代之間已沒有隔閡。





The Green Generation Prepares for 40th Annual Earth Day
WASHINGTON, DC, April 20, 2009 (ENS)

Sunday's 2009 Earth Day celebration on the National Mall launched The Green Generation campaign - a nationwide effort to encourage renewable energy, green jobs and a new green economy. With music by the Flaming Lips, moe., Los Lobos and others, the free event was the flagship in a coordinated country-wide Earth Day Weekend of environmental volunteer actions and music in DC, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle.

Attended by over 200,000 last year, the Green Apple-Earth Day Festival has grown from eight cities to 10 cities in 2009 and emphasizes environmental volunteerism in solidarity with the new administration's "call to service."

Across the U.S. on Earth Day Weekend, Green Apple volunteer projects in parks, beaches, schools and forests, focused on climate change solutions like tree planting, energy efficiency retrofits, water protection, urban gardens and forest restoration.

The campaign takes its name from The Greatest Generation who confronted the challenge of World War II and inspired the major social changes that followed.

The Green Generation counts as members all individuals and corporations that are engaged in activities to solve urgent environmental issues such as climate change and the world's water and food crises.

The generation gap is closing, according to a public opinion study commissioned by Green Seal and EnviroMedia Social Marketing and conducted by Opinion Research Corporation about products that claim to be environmentally friendly. Results of the survey of 1,000 people conducted by telephone in a random-digit-dial sample were released in February.

The poll shows that overall, 82 percent of respondents are buying green despite the economic downturn. Half of the respondents said they are buying just as many green products now as before the economic downturn, while 19 percent say they are buying more green products. Fourteen percent say they are buying fewer green products.

Green-minded people do look for minimally packaged goods (60%), buy green cleaning products, (58%) and buy green personal-care products (31%), the Green Seal survey shows.

"This research suggests that consumers are buying green products second only to participating in recycling," said Arthur Weissman, PhD, Green Seal's president and chief executive. "This increased consumer demand sends a signal to manufacturers to produce products that are truly green."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.