乾淨能源經濟 就業增長亮點 | 環境資訊中心

乾淨能源經濟 就業增長亮點


國家風能技術中心人員 Garth Johnson。Lee Fingerish 攝。圖片由 NREL 提供。皮優(Pew)慈善信託基金會6月12日公布的報告發現「介於1998年和2007年間,美國新興乾淨能源經濟的職缺增長比整體職缺快約2.5倍。按皮優對乾淨能源經濟的定義,其工作種類包括工程師、鉛管工、行政助理、建築工人、機器操作員、市場營銷顧問、教師和其他的許多行業,年收入從2萬1千到11萬1千美元。」


該調查發現,介於1998年和2007年間,乾淨能源經濟就業機會,在全國的增長率為9.1 %,而傳統的就業機會只增加了3.7%。








各州將透過「美國復甦和再投資法案」(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)獲得聯邦大筆資金入注,其中能源和運輸項目將是近850億美元直接支出和減稅獎勵措施的直接受惠者。

「美國全球暖化運動」(U.S. Global Warming Campaign)處長克提諾(Phyllis Cuttino)在皮優環境團體說:「國會和奧巴馬政府可以而且必須制定能源和全球變暖的相關立法,以創造就業機會,提高能源獨立和維持環境的永續性。」

Clean Energy Economy a Bright Spot for Job Growth
WASHINGTON, DC, June 12, 2009 (ENS)

The number of jobs in America's emerging clean energy economy grew about 2.5 times faster than overall jobs between 1998 and 2007, finds a report released Wednesday by The Pew Charitable Trusts. Included in Pew's definition of the clean energy economy are jobs as diverse as engineers, plumbers, administrative assistants, construction workers, machine setters, marketing consultants, teachers and many others, with annual incomes ranging from $21,000 to $111,000.

Pew developed a clear definition of the clean energy economy and conducted the first-ever hard count across all 50 states of the actual jobs, companies and venture capital investments that supply the growing market demand for environmentally friendly products and services.

The survey found that jobs in the clean energy economy grew at a national rate of 9.1 percent, while traditional jobs grew by only 3.7 percent between 1998 and 2007.

By 2007, more than 68,200 businesses across all 50 states and the District of Columbia accounted for about 770,000 jobs that achieve the double bottom line of economic growth and environmental sustainability, the report finds.

Now, the clean energy sector is ready to expand, driven by increasing consumer demand, venture capital infusions, and federal and state policy reforms, the report concludes.

There was a similar pattern at the state level, where job growth in the clean energy economy outperformed overall job growth in 38 states and the District of Columbia during the same period - between 1998 and 2007.

According to Pew, "a clean energy economy generates jobs, businesses and investments while expanding clean energy production, increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conserving water and other natural resources."

The definition provides a framework for tracking jobs, investments and economic growth over time and allowing the public and private sector to evaluate the effectiveness of policy choices and investments.

Venture capital investment in clean technology crossed the $1 billion threshold in 2005 and continued to grow substantially, reaching a total of about $12.6 billion by the end of 2008, the report finds.

In 2008, investors directed $5.9 billion into American businesses in the clean energy economy. This figure represents a 48 percent increase over 2007 investment totals and accounts for 15 percent of all global venture capital investments.

States will receive a major infusion of federal funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which allocates nearly $85 billion in direct spending and tax incentives for energy and transportation programs.

Phyllis Cuttino, director, U.S. Global Warming Campaign, at the Pew Environment Group. said, "Congress and the Obama administration can and must produce energy and global warming legislation that creates jobs, enhances energy independence and sustains our environment."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.